Example sentences of "as if [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Look straight ahead as if gazing at a place on a wall .
2 He stood with his back to the fire , dominating the room and as if trying at the same time to dominate Sarella 's thoughts .
3 The shuttle stopped , trembling , as if straining at a leash .
4 Every half-minute or so , he peered over at the Loran navigation indicator — as if looking at it would make the numbers showing their position change more rapidly — then glanced up at the sky as if there was something to be divined in the matted darkness that could warn him of approaching doom .
5 Christina found she was still staring as if mesmerized at Stein 's confident smile .
6 Both stand outside religion , as formally understood ; but sympathetically , as if longing at times to be inside , and sadly conscious of its insuperable intellectual difficulties .
7 Two thoroughbred stallions panted heavily as if driven at some pace .
8 The other hand clutched tightly to its robe hanging in furls , as if to beat at its hidden heart .
9 The figure might wait till a drone swooped nearby and fire up at it — just as if shooting at Lexandro .
10 In this Jarman sits , Prospero-like , sniffing flowers as if grasping at a memory of happier times .
11 as if enraged at its defeat by the mountains , the hurricane once more turned inland .
12 ‘ You dare ! ’ roared Caswell , and , starting forward , he seized her shoulder and cried out , ‘ Bitch ! ’ as in his turn he raised a hand as if to strike at her .
13 She lowered her head , as if to look at the floor .
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