Example sentences of "so [conj] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So where you have your potage erm meat , vegetables such as they are , and sweet .
2 Yeah so except you 've got to list everybody 's name .
3 Okay so although you say you 've finished your differentiation exam
4 However , most cases of acne do improve with time , so once you 've found a suitable preparation , stay with it until nature finally cures the problem .
5 Of course that 's the only big site that we 've got , so once you 've built that one well that 's more or less er it .
6 So once you 've got that one , even if you 're wearing make up , you can use this cleanser , okay ?
7 So once you 've cleansed , and once you 've toned you then make sure that the face is either tissued dry or you can actually pad to your face , after the toner , with a towel .
8 So once you 've done it you ca n't sell any more even though there are two or three people in the wings saying can I go into it .
9 So once you 've done that in front that 's that out the way , the copy out of the way .
10 So once you 've chewed those you should run it again ?
11 So once you 've given the them the lecture give
12 So once you 've got all those you can say well four times ninety or two times one eighty okay fifteen times twenty four .
13 So once you 've characterised all the genes , do you hope to stamp out deformed genes ?
14 So once you knew wh how many degrees it was for each slice of the pie in your pie chart no problem to use your protractor and mark off forty eight degrees , a hundred and forty four , seventy two , thirty six
15 So once you know that , these two are the same you take that from one eighty , halve the answer and it 'll give you these angles , and if you 've got that ang if you 've got these angles , then you can work out most things .
16 So once you know what it means it helps a little bit and can you think of a word that ends the same as that ?
17 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
18 After all , death frightens the hell out of everyone ; so once you 'd gone and got it over with you might feel quite light-hearted . ’
19 So once you got him into your fleshy arms — ’
20 So once you found it
21 The rowing boat near the weir — only this time they had gone too far and Uncle Albert was not strong enough to row them back to safety ; the study at Uncle Albert 's house looking warm and friendly and inviting ; the professor beetle shouting rude instructions at some little beetles that had got into difficulty ; again a glimpse of her uncle 's study ; then a turnstile — one of those that only turn one way , so once you have passed through it you ca n't get back ; playful light beams now shrieking with fear as they hurtle past the window to their destruction ; walking up the down-escalator and not being able to get anywhere ; yet another brief snatch of the study …
22 So once you understand and my calculator can do sort of ten to the minus point four seven .
23 As a result , those calories are burned less efficiently , so once you start eating normally again , the pounds can pile back on .
24 to it so that you prefer to use it to the other one .
25 He always stayed calm , but he had a knack of turning things around so that you thought you were getting your own way when in fact you 'd just agreed with him .
26 Sometimes it 's helpful to write up a word so that you draw attention to the fact that its syllables form other words : island — is land ; breakfast — break fast .
27 erm so that y so that you expected this sort of measure of service and if you were told the , if you were told the circumstances you might have said well that 's okay , no problem .
28 By keeping the table between the two of you , you could lure him round it so that you end up nearer the exit ; the same idea can be used in the street with parked cars .
29 You must do all the inserts first and then copy down so that you end up with the right formula at the end of the day which is the C five , C eight .
30 If you have to compromise , change your mind or adapt an idea , make a new list , date it and file it so that you end up with a master check list that is a complete record of the whole procedure .
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