Example sentences of "so [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Budgets should set expenditure for principal areas of expense and may with advantage be so specific as to set amounts for individual chemical products and equipment .
2 Product names therefore should not be so specific as to exclude wider use where appropriate .
3 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
4 However , the atmosphere was so friendly and relaxed that it was n't long before we made lots of friends and , spurred on by the Animation Team , joined in the occasional game of volleyball or tennis — you can hire racquets and even have expert tuition if you want to improve on your technique .
5 Joyce 's use of stream of consciousness was often thought at the time to be an achievement so outstanding as to deter imitation : Ezra Pound , for example , suggested , ‘ Ulysses is , presumably … unrepeatable … you can not duplicate it ’ ( Pound 1922 : 625 ) .
6 When Jack and Alick , after being shipwrecked and narrowly escaping murder , starvation and sundry other perils , are reunited with Terence on board a brig-of-war , he declares it is worth being lost when reunion is so pleasant and ends with a flourish : ‘ Old fellows , I knew you would come back somehow or other ; I always said so ; astride of a dolphin , if in no other way … ’
7 For seventeen , he was big and heavily built , but the man who carried him was so tall and held his weight so easily that there was no doubt who he was .
8 Because she was so tall and slim all the clothes looked marvellous on her and the other girls would groan their envy .
9 The sudden stilling of the wind brought with it a silence so total when compared to the continual cacophony of the past hours that the shock of it , for a moment , held Mariana and Trent immobile .
10 His shows are serious and grown-up , by his lights , and they certainly have storylines so odd as to make The Ring look like a sit-com .
11 The latter are shapes so memorable that knowing they exist matters more than actually seeing them .
12 Twomey 's niece had prepared what she considered " a nice meal " for the travellers , but Twomey would not allow anything so unfitting as sharing a High Tea with Sir Dermot .
13 He also loves ‘ words which go beyond words ’ — the poetry of Baudelaire , Rimbaud , Novalis , Keats — for he feels that no human language could ever be so rich as to express perfectly all that he feels .
14 Finnis , on behalf of Aquinas , would doubtless be disposed to argue that Kelsen admits and he excludes any content whatever but if the general requirements of justice are indeed so indeterminate as to allow of even contradictory determinations then this objection falls .
15 Sometimes the action of a suppressor variable can be so strong that controlling for it can actually reverse the sign of the effect .
16 The denial can be so strong that faced , for example , with diabetes , they fail to take their diet or their insulin .
17 It would , for example , be no defence for the seller to say that his farm fertiliser was perfectly safe and effective when applied in the right concentration ( at the right time of the year ) if the instructions supplied with the fertiliser stated in error the wrong concentration , whether too weak to be effective or so strong as to kill the crops .
18 We begin with the argument that the evidence for a Deity might be so strong as to undermine faith .
19 Such an agency generates a repulsive force which eventually becomes so strong as to halt the contraction of the object and to make it ‘ bounce ’ .
20 As Gombrich points out : ‘ the experience of the underlying constancies in a person 's face which is so strong as to survive all the transformations of mood and age and even to leap across generations , conflicts with the strange fact that such recognition can be inhibited with comparative ease by what may be called the mask ’ .
21 If , in addition , I were accompanied by his fifteen soldiers I believed we should be too strong a party to invite attack , while not so strong as to alarm and provoke the tribes .
22 Yesterday 's initial tour selection is so strong as to make no difference .
23 This was more than two years after superior fighters had been added to the battle effort ; however , the P-40 was so strong and had the reputation of coming home even with severe damage .
24 ‘ I always heard tell of you that you were a wolf , but never that you were come so low as to prey on dead men .
25 No , I am afraid , Lord Mayor , that the Conservative Group would not stoop so low as to exploit disability for mere political advantage .
26 She had not sunk so low as to join the ranks of that sisterhood !
27 This is shown by prices in the " grey market " which are often reported to be so low as to negate all of the gross fees , thus absorbing all of the underwriters ' risk premium .
28 Beethoven , among others , could not comprehend how Mozart could have stooped so low as to set to music such an apparently frivolous text , dealing with the fickleness of women ; and the prudish moral climate of the later 19th century made sure that Così was conveniently ignored as a little aberration .
29 She cried : ‘ My heart Burns to think that the mayor could stoop so low as to try Robin or Fleece-ing us like this . ’
30 On Jan. 8 the Defence Ministry sought to justify its operation against draft-dodgers by declaring that conscription levels were so low as to threaten national security .
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