Example sentences of "so [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do so want to help him before he makes a complete fool of himself .
2 I did so want to tell you how I felt , but I just … just could n't seem to , somehow .
3 Much of the machinery is in working order and I was so fascinated to see it actually in operation that I was late getting back to the bus ; driver sitting with engine running , and the eyes of every accusing fellow passenger upon me .
4 So fascinated has he become that he 's painted nothing else in all that time .
5 So say thank you for the health of your baby by supporting Birthright when you run .
6 So say thank you for the health of your baby by supporting Birthright when you run .
7 So say thank you , and leave . ’
8 " And I would so enjoy turning it into the best school of its kind in Frizingley .
9 Nevertheless , I was left to ponder whether to have healing or not to have healing , and so concerned did I become that in the end , a wise man from the Quakers was summoned to give a judgement of Solomon .
10 She had well and truly burned her boats as far as Luke Calder was concerned , so pity help her if the rumours about his investing in the radio station were right .
11 Lord Byron so loves to hear me play ! ’
12 The commonest and most visible indices of field officer performance are negative , as an agency head explained : ‘ An area supervisor will sit there and say , ‘ So and so has let me down again .
13 Towards the end of his first letter to the Corinthians , Paul challenges the Corinthian Christians on the quality of their love , and in doing so has provided us with a bench-mark of quality as far as the practice of love is concerned .
14 I have been encouraged to find that the young are not so predisposed to put me aside at the age of seventy and that a new generation of students and artists regard me as something of a cult figure .
15 You see , Harry is coming over from America for that month and I so want to see him .
16 I wanted to make one bear a boy and one a girl so decided to dress them .
17 Dumpy , down-to-earth Nellie faced facts and realised people would spot the difference in age between herself and Robert , so decided to confuse them all by calling him her adopted son .
18 So stop calling it the Cages .
19 So stop seeing him . ’
20 That he did not so do indicates he had some other categories in mind as well .
21 As the group was under one unified control it was possible for an employee to be moved around within the group or at least have " his information and knowledge " so transferred making it important that Littlewoods should have protection regarding the whole GUS group .
22 well drove out and turned , her bumper caught Mick 's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh wo n't claim on the insurance she said , erm , I 'll pay it , get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it 's gon na be about three hundred quid , well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
23 In a muddled way , he expected that she might fall into his arms , that he would be able to comfort her and that one thing would lead to another ; and so absorbed had he become in the effect Sam 's death would have on his own affairs , that he had forgotten that it might have some other effect on Martha 's .
24 Erm , push that yellow down , , erm , so let push it down there , ah , not hard enough , because the black should have gone nearer to the red .
25 It is probably best to acknowledge the barrier and so seek to make it into part of the perceptual bubble .
26 Green gave an interesting account of how this fine bird suffered at the hands of the sheep farmers who had lost lambs and so had to destroy it .
27 In fact , so accomplished had he become that he changed his career from lorry driver to architectural joiner , and kitchens became a part of his stock in trade .
28 But not quite so reassuring to see him out playing hockey on Saturday .
29 The sums so entrusted made them a power among London houses subscribing to public loans , particularly during the wars of 1744–63 .
30 We were glad to reach Rangoon which at that time of the year , early March , was very hot , and so Pop sent us up to Taungin-in the Shan States where we stayed with a delightful elderly American missionary , Miss Hughes .
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