Example sentences of "as if [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh do go on , ’ Harriet hovers above , laughing , ‘ it 's not as if we did n't all know how virtuous you feel . ’
2 as if we did n't have enough to think about , we also had the performance of the streaker , of course .
3 More likely , once established as a member of the literati and the venerable ‘ June 20th Group ’ , she felt a need to stress her difference from them — as if we did n't already know .
4 Half the time we carry on as if we did n't have a body : and we only think about our bodies if they trouble us — if we 're hungry or in pain .
5 The message of the Rio summit has been ( as if we did n't already know it ) that this is a small and fragile world and where conservation is concerned , everything is everybody 's business and that does n't just apply to the white rhino but to the artistic patrimony as well .
6 The excuse ( as if we did n't know ) is to protect the woodland .
7 On the way three big German transport planes flew overhead , scattering thousands of leaflets printed in Italian which stated that Badoglio had deserted his country — as if we did n't know this already .
8 It was nt as if we did nt deserve to win anyway … but what do you reckon they would have done if the roles were reversed and Leeds played an illegible player ?
9 The children all looked as if they did n't have a care in the world , that this was just another ordinary day , and what was taking place within the hall some sort of social occasion .
10 In contrast to the outside , the area was softly carpeted , softly lit , as if illness and death had to be cushioned away , made to look as if they did n't exist .
11 Shadows are the absence of light and so do n't exist in themselves , but they are still visible and palpable just as if they did .
12 They kept staring at him , as if they did n't believe what they were seeing .
13 When he waved or smiled at those he knew , they turned away , as if they did n't know him .
14 as if they did n't have enough problems already , green turtles from Florida to Australia have been turning up with horrific cancerous tumours .
15 Nearly three months have passed … by now a relieving force may be no more than a day 's march away , and yet you 're prepared to mortgage away your future lives as if they did not exist !
16 It was n't as if they did n't know they were taking a risk — during the fifties and sixties debates raged in the press about highrise housing , with its defenders calling opposition simply prejudice .
17 as if they did n't even want anyone to know they 'd been inside . ’
18 He moved forward importantly , pushing past Bernice and Cheryl as if they did not exist .
19 Again the boy looked down at his hands , staring at his arms and legs as if they did n't belong to him .
20 Personal involvement was implicit in the tone and the procedures involved : the matters under consideration were treated as if they did matter ; epochs and makers of epochs were sharply characterized and subjected to urgent evaluation .
21 Mind you , it looks as if they did quite a bit of homework and know kelly is a converted winger …
22 Gordon Orchard , a 61-year-old former Coldstream guardsman , who admitted abducting the child last summer , had 50 previous convictions , including indecent assault and attempted rape , but was sentenced as if they did not exist .
23 They feel estranged ; they feel as if they do n't belong ; they can not identify .
24 Living things do not disobey these physical laws — but they look as if they do .
25 Women no longer talk so explicitly about men as distant providers who should be obeyed and serviced , but many women often talk as if they do n't expect much better .
26 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
27 They all wait for him to go on , while appearing as if they do not care whether he goes on or not .
28 Agents may not know the correct model , but they behave as if they do .
29 He says the worst is when you say good evening , sir , and they walk past you as if they do n't exist .
30 The pressure will be on them , as if they do n't beat us they 'll have blown promotion to the Premier League .
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