Example sentences of "as [subord] he is " in BNC.

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1 These pictures , rarely cordial , have become more and more baleful : it is as if he is holding himself back from physical assault on a reader supposed to be a trendy and a lefty , which is , indeed , what many of his readers have always been .
2 In this case the instructor brings the aircraft to a stall and applies full rudder as if he is going to spin .
3 He seems most himself when snarling like a caged animal , droning and whining like a buzz saw , hacking at his guitar as if he is chopping wood .
4 It is as if he is intent only on protecting his own interests .
5 The wood is laid on the altar , Isaac is bound and then ‘ put ’ ( the word in the Hebrew is as colourless as that : it is as if he is an object for slaughter , no longer a human being , let alone Abraham 's son ) on the wood .
6 If you put someone on a second floor balcony , for instance , to deliver an address , it looks as if he is simply haranguing his listeners .
7 He has a sash across his shirt as if he is an ambassador at a diplomatic function .
8 He feels as if he is the only man awake in the entire world .
9 When Disllokey nods to me this morning it is with a distant seriousness , as if he is already bracing himself to lose his identity in the harshly impersonal world across the water .
10 The narrative base to this section ( Sukenick 's visit to Israel ) represents a journey to a country of spiritual origins as if he is seeking a lost unity antecedent to the modern state of division .
11 Note the lively sculpture of the roof line , one figure looking as if he is smoking a hubble-bubble or earning his living as a snake charmer : in fact he is a fireman !
12 His response to this problem is to grip the kitten 's neck tighter and tighter , as if he is dealing with an awkward adult mate .
13 He acts as if he is the creator of the Christian community , as if his dream binds men together .
14 The person chosen puts his face in the frame as if he is a picture and then he has to try not to laugh as the rest tell their best jokes and make the funniest expressions .
15 He looks as if he is about to burst into tears .
16 Wordsworth writes as if he is a new kind of human being , like Adam naming the creatures for the first time .
17 His eyes are fixed on hers as if he is trying to outstare her .
18 Sixty-seven of them and you get sick at the sixty-eighth ’ , it is as if he is saying it to us over his shoulder as he bends down to examine another body .
19 It is as if he is most careful to avoid reference to ideology because that would imply a determinacy that his analysis would have to confront .
20 A person who has a migraine or who has been spinning round and round , may feel as if he is reeling over , although there is no movement to be seen by people watching him .
21 He still leans forward slightly as he walks , as if he is just about to shake hands with an old friend , and he still has a slight benevolent smile about his lips .
22 Howard has the feeling that the floor is dropping away beneath his feet , as if he is in an express lift .
23 He 's got the kind of seriousness which he admires , and a certain way of leaning forward as he shows Howard round , as if he is eager to understand the world but finds it rather difficult .
24 But he always leaves it as if he is n't expecting to come back in the morning . "
25 ‘ He certainly does n't look as if he is enjoying himself much . ’
26 Is he further aware that they feel that the chairman of British Coal acts as if he is a clone of the Government ?
27 It looks as if he is going to hold Normandy .
28 He tries to look as if he is considering the fairness of the price , but while he hesitates his head has started nodding .
29 He stands tall and thin , his eyes glinting , a tight smile on his face as if he is pleased to see me .
30 Mark , if you think that Strach was looking that far ahead then we should snap him up immediately , as if he is that much of a thinker then he could make a great manager .
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