Example sentences of "as [subord] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if all her energy had been sucked out of her .
2 as if all they had ever been was lovers .
3 He felt as if all his teeth were stones .
4 Yet another sufferer in the same epidemic may have a very sore body and feel as if all his or her bones have been broken .
5 as if all he saw was his .
6 The camels , palm-trees and sand were all commonplace now , as if all I had ever known was Algeria , as if Joan was only an acquaintance of my fantasies .
7 BELVILLE : You talk to me , my dearest life , as if all you had heard against me was true .
8 He was like a kind of martyr , it was as if all my failings were stones that were thrown at him and which he never complained of .
9 His tongue flicked out as if snake-like he could taste the scent of Ember 's blood
10 His lips tore at hers , and hers at his , as if each one was the prey and each the hunter —
11 Millie 's new mistress paused as if uncertain what to do next ; then turning quickly about , she led them from the kitchen into the hall and to the open front door again , and looked to where her children were all standing round the pony and cart .
12 Penelope had taken note of the two quite personable looking men who had just come into the hall ! and were standing looking about them with some bewilderment , as if uncertain what they ought to do .
13 Marc looked blank , as if uncertain what ceremony she meant , then shook his head .
14 When I finished , Shadwell started to applaud with the tips of his fingers , as if scared his hands would give each other a disease .
15 After the outbreak of the Uprising there was considerable discussion of its youthfulness , as if this itself was a revolution in Palestinian society .
16 He glanced up , as if surprised she was still there .
17 It is as if those who know aid best from the viewpoint of the recipients fear that an outspoken critique will turn off the tap rather than improve the quality of the flow .
18 At the beginning it appeared as if those who wanted to flog Europe for being an inadequate political animal were going to win , that political union had been put off still further …
19 Dark , gaunt — almost emaciated — leaning forwards anxiously towards the mirror as if afraid his reflection might suddenly vanish altogether .
20 When he was made redundant and no longer had this outlet for the expression of his masculinity , he became less confident in the caring aspects of his personality , almost as if afraid he would become all woman .
21 From time to time she glanced suspiciously around as if afraid someone might try to grab it off her .
22 A bird flew above us , as if guiding us .
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