Example sentences of "as [conj] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie was kneading currants through dough in a glass bowl on the sideboard , as absorbed in the kneading as if all of her life were passing through the pale dough .
2 Sometimes mistaken for the name of a tribe of redskins , the word ‘ Hooliganism ’ established itself in Russia with such authority and incomprehensible rapidity that one observer thought in 1912 that it was ‘ as if it had long been expected , as if necessary for the filling of an empty space ’ .
3 The stone walls of our cottage groan and shudder as if tired of battling with the centuries of wind .
4 Three years ago there was hardly a young black cinema at all , now critics are drawing comparisons as if bored with the idea .
5 Triumphantly , he slapped a wodge of notes down on the polished mahogany counter , as if anxious to be rid of it , and snatching a 12 bore from the gunsmith , he strode out into the square .
6 I can not account for its striking me more now than any other day , but it was as if new to me ; and I listened to every sentence he spoke as if to a musical composition . ’
7 It seemed as if one of the most respected women on television had succumbed to the lure of glitzy fame .
8 It 's hardly as if one of us turned up and the other did n't .
9 In more anthropomorphic terms , it is as if one of the particles ‘ knows ’ what measurement is being carried out on the other and adjusts its state accordingly .
10 Both are there but it has no effect on plane polarised light , for instance , like , as if one of them is trying to rotate it to the left by so many degrees and the other one is rotating to the right by the said the amount .
11 Do n't sink into your shoulders as if one of the chandeliers is about to descend and hit you on the head .
12 Again the howl , as if one of Satan 's demons was rising from the pit of Hell .
13 But the machine , as if unaware of all the spiritual anguish and philosophical commotion , and despite the terrible damage wrought by its own locomotion , began to move forward again .
14 Mrs Stych vanished immediately into the kitchen and continued to put away groceries , as if unaware of her mother 's arrival .
15 She turned from Schmidt and said , ‘ My husband … ’ then immediately turned back , as if unaware of the other car , making it seem that her remark had always been intended for Schmidt .
16 Still entwined , the puppets threshed violently against each other as if overcome with concupiscence .
17 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
18 Kate told herself as the Porsche leapt forward as if pleased to be released from this rather unfashionable and cheap part of London which was the only place she could afford to live in a small flat by herself .
19 ‘ We get off the stop after Salute , ’ he said warmly , as if pleased at her awed silence as she took in the building 's perfection .
20 Viola , pretending to ignore her , took up a theatrical position , as if rapt in the memory of things past : ‘ Walter was a lovely man .
21 Behind me the wolves howled as if sure of their prey and calling others to join them for their banquet of good English beef .
22 Afterwards , he felt it had been as if each of them had been waiting for the other to touch on a delicate subject .
23 They banged my change down quickly , as if nervous of the English .
24 He shook his head , staring down at his descendant as if disappointed in him .
25 Athelstan ground his teeth and glared at the coroner but Sir John smiled sweetly back as if innocent of any devious stratagem .
26 Nails was silent , as if stricken by an affliction .
27 In the Senate the Democrats acted as if shell-shocked by the experience of losing overall control , and a non-charismatic , unimaginative leader like Robert Byrd was no match for White House strategists and men like Howard Baker and Robert Dole on the Republican side .
28 When President Carter called him soon after it , the Shah spoke as if shell-shocked by the diabolical conspiracy against him .
29 as if immune to discomfort and pain , he stood in his damp cloak with one foot up on a stone .
30 There was a hesitation , as if neither of them knew how to start talking to the other .
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