Example sentences of "can tell that the " in BNC.

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1 We can tell that the writer is eager to take us to the climax .
2 We can tell that the primary visual areas in rats and monkeys come from the same primordial tissue in the embryonic nervous system , but this is n't surprising since all of the cortex arises from this same region .
3 We can tell that the window broke because there is glass on the ground .
4 In the sentence completion task , children were asked to complete sentence fragments which , for deductive items , were of the form : We can tell that the pillow burst because …
5 You can tell that the film is being run backward because this kind of behavior is never observed in ordinary life .
6 you know the biology 's gon na be hard , I can tell that the maths gon na be hard , but I think I 've got more of an interest in biology than physics , I mean I , I do n't know if Jean 's done any
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