Example sentences of "can mean the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such discounts can mean the price is many times lower for the branded drug than for the generic drug and consultants may be unaware of the price in the community .
2 ‘ I mean , I realise I 'm the baby of the family , and a mere female — ’ the latter drew a bleak smile from her father , acknowledging a point of contention between them spanning several years ‘ — but I do n't see how just a fire can mean the end of everything !
3 Protection can mean Defence of the Faith , i.e. of Christianity , or it can mean the adoption and identification of a ‘ guardian spirit ’ , who will watch over your life-journey , a universal , but at the same time very individual and personal desire , expressed in most religions and cultures .
4 A cold and depressing interview can mean the reverse .
5 The choice may be yours in the future , though , and the right choice at the beginning can mean the difference between a happy home and misery .
6 A decent tent can mean the difference between a good night 's rest and a total washout so it 's important to get the right one first time around .
7 His main aim is consistency — not an easy goal in a class where a millisecond can mean the difference between fourth and ninth place .
8 Notwithstanding that , ready-mixed concrete does have the great advantage of being consistently mixed , can have a waterproofing compound added to it before you get it , and saves the mixing time ( which can mean the difference between the pool being completed in a single day and taking two or three ) .
9 A small word that can mean the difference between happiness and despair .
10 In this business , a sense of direction can mean the difference between laughing like a drain or getting caught with your trousers around the ankles of a friend you never had .
11 ‘ Buddy , in my line of work , knowing your Iris Murdoch from your Doris Lessing can mean the difference between chewing on the curate 's egg or sighing for the fleshpots of Egypt .
12 Being heard — as well as seen — can mean the difference between life and death .
13 ‘ When bad debts can mean the difference between survival and failure , companies , regardless , of their size , need to employ strict credit management procedures to assist in the timely collection of outstanding debts . ’
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