Example sentences of "can be [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With the ends waxed to reduce water loss , and packed in damp newspaper , budwood can just about survive for 10 days , until back at the nursery the buds skill and experience , this operation can be exasperatingly with skill and experience , this operation can be exasperatingly unsuccessful .
2 The improvements can be both in physical areas such as getting a back-swing right in tennis or in areas of fear or attitude .
3 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary , and now they can be wholly in charge of this — they can change the layout of it as much as the words within it ; they can ask colleagues to come in and comment and even add a little bit .
4 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary — and now they can be wholly in charge of this .
5 Hence the tribunal must give what the reviewing court regards as the correct meaning to the statutory terms , before the tribunal can be properly within the sphere of its jurisdiction ; mistakes as to the meaning of these terms become jurisdictional errors .
6 So what can be amiss with a torrent of intellectual change as imaginative and potentially as beneficent as that represented by the present condition of molecular biology ?
7 At the Tolly Cobbold site , this is even more crucial following the recent explosion at the near-by petrol depot , while terrorist activity in the Midlands has shown that the environment can be just as an effective target as military ones .
8 It can be well worth the additional expense of some private tuition for the audition and gaining one to one advice on your material .
9 The results , however , can be well worth the effort , and it will all come that much easier if you have prepared things in advance .
10 Egyptian rugs are often very expensive — sometimes commanding higher prices than comparable Persian items — but can be well worth the cost because of the high standards to which they are made .
11 Salary directed at highest gains Controlling the way your wage is paid can be well worth it , says STEWART RITCHIE
12 We know that er stress er does cause exacerbation of other illnesses and er people can be away for that sort of reason .
13 Sometimes the soldiers can be away for up to five weeks at a time .
14 We have fifty US Marines at the US Embassy , and they can be here in one hour from now .
15 He thinks he can be here in ten minutes . ’
16 I do n't think if you just consider products or a market in the abstract that you can be ahead of your time .
17 They can be ahead of you . ’
18 This can be either through the provision of market research data or through advice on accounting and management .
19 This arrangement can be either on an Acceptance ( Bill of Exchange ) basis or on a Deferred Payment basis .
20 Loans provided to traders by banks can be either in domestic or in foreign currency .
21 The pen can be either in the down position ( when a line will be drawn ) or in the up position .
22 The angle can be anywhere between 10 and 25 degrees at this stage , and only a flight test will show whatever change is needed .
23 Exemptions agreed can be anywhere between the extremes of 1 or 2 basic modules to all but 9 advanced ones , depending on the amount and level of previous study and the closeness of its relationship with the new course .
24 The database can be anywhere on the same PC or on a network . ’
25 A piece of bread flake on a muddy bottom may need a foot or more , and the indication allowed to yo-yo several times before we can be anywhere near sure of hitting them .
26 At the weekends he can be anywhere within a few hours drive doing the job of a ‘ Sapper ’ the army 's word for a Military Engineer .
27 Ties can be literally of make or break importance , and many a fine tree is scarred for life and ruined by carelessness and neglect , purely as a result of not doing this part of the job properly .
28 If you know thre 's somewhere you can stay , that you can be together as a family , it 's the most important thing .
29 Catch crops , which are grown as a bonus between the main courses of a rotation , can be very worth while provided they do not interfere with the cultivation and growing of main crops , cause undue proliferation of weeds , or form a ‘ disease link ’ between susceptible main crops .
30 He is angry , suspicious , overbearing ; he can be very like the Zuckerman berated in the fiction as ‘ this unsatisfiable , suspect , quarrelsome novelist ’ .
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