Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As soon as it gets light I think all the hunters we can spare should go out , ’ said Grimma .
2 … the common law says that the damages due either for breach of contract or for tort are damages which , so far as money can compensate will give the injured party reparation for the wrongful act ( Admiralty Commissioners v SS Susquehanna [ 1926 ] AC 655 at p661 ) .
3 A bureau that promises more output than it can deliver can expect to be penalized by lower budgetary allocations in the future ( Niskanen 1971 , p. 42 ) .
4 Sometimes the fact that you are doing something concrete to help someone with whom you can empathise can help you to forget your own personal misgivings .
5 Money and the knowledge money can buy would have saved her .
6 During this period I have learnt a great deal about what children like [ and dislike ] at parties and have gathered together a selection of games , songs and magic tricks which I can guarantee will make any party a day to remember , for both children and adults .
7 Anybody who can assist can contact ( 0429 ) 221151 .
8 Every £6 you can send will help save a child 's life .
9 Nothing the burglar can do will silence the alarm since once the bistable has set , it will remain like that until reset .
10 Your familiarity with the machine and what it can do will suggest to you ways you can use it in your teaching .
11 On the other hand , can you see if coordination gets er deteriorates in any way you 're going to be cut off from an awful lot of things you now , you might have been marvellous at embroidery , it gave you a lot of satisfaction but if your co coordination starts to go then the quality of what you can do will satisfy you , will dissatisfy you , make you feel annoyed .
12 Nothing that they can do can alter the fact that they are our responsibility .
13 I mean that 's the sort of thing if the press decides that somebody 's not a good thing , then that person is not a good thing and almost nothing he or she can do can change it .
14 Sentencing Clarke to 21 months in prison and a 3 year driving ban , Judge Francis Allen said , ’ nothing this court can do can remedy the harm that you caused by your decision to drive that day .
15 Judge Allen told Clarke : ‘ Nothing this court can do can remedy the harm caused by your decision to drive on that day . ’
16 The type of aid you can use will vary depending on your subject , but you can think about using :
17 Such issues as domiciliary day care , mobile day care and the day care which the voluntary sector can provide will need to be looked into .
18 To accurately imitate what I can see will require that I use smaller shapes than those used in other parts of the painting .
19 To accurately imitate what I can see will require that I use smaller shapes than those used in other parts of the painting .
20 In such cases there is no term , such as successor in title , or resources , which the courts can insist should bear a certain meaning .
21 However , for such of these variables as we can conjecture may have such an influence , we may be able to match the experimental and control groups .
22 Obviously the policy is there if we can take let's try and do them one at a time .
23 In this way , the small proportion of white cats that can hear will become more common and the defect could , in theory , be wiped out after a few generations .
24 The number of core units you can afford will depend on the total points value of the army .
25 In practice , the number of Bosses and Big Bosses you can afford will determine how many infantry and cavalry units you have .
26 This White Paper expresses our determination that the taxpayers ' money which the nation can afford should buy the best quality services for our citizens .
27 Er when there 's already an abusive sort of dynamic going on erm y'know other people who are more similar in age can can can get can start participating in that .
28 Thus , although some environmental phonological factors ( such as initial labials ) are involved in defining the set , speaker-knowledge of which items can alternate must depend largely on memorizing the items singly .
29 What your colleagues can offer will depend on their particular skills and interests .
30 But this does not show that the sentences from which we can start must differ in type from those , only that their degree of observationality must be much greater .
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