Example sentences of "can [be] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our culture often regards machines as a male preserve , and girls may need opportunities and encouragement to show that they can be expert in such areas .
2 Sadly nothing can be cone without ideas , and ideas need people to produce them , so I extend an appeal to all the people who may read this and pray that God might give each of us the sight to see where we are needed ..
3 More important , natural selection provides a model of how there can be change towards a kind of fit or harmony , towards structured complexity , which is neither planned nor the result of goal-directed activity .
4 There can be gold in those genes .
5 There can be evaluation of validity , positive or negative , without the proper interpretation of ideas .
6 Love is the largest region of the transcendent world and it has many forms — there can be love of God , love of nature , and the love of a human being and love of our fellowmen .
7 Everything we do can be redone by talk .
8 Each mask is pulled down onto the base , which can be variety of shapes , by a magnetic catcher .
9 Too strong a foam and there can be difficulty in rinsing .
10 There can be concern in a study of this type that multiple testing may have resulted in certain conclusions being due to chance findings .
11 One ‘ slot ’ can be home to as many as five satellites as long as they do not use exactly the same frequency .
12 It has been thought that Freud was assuming that there can be inheritance of acquired characteristics , an idea shown to be fallacious in modern biology .
13 17.58 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 9 should be encouraged to make their own decisions about the appropriate length for a piece of work and to recognise that there can be merit in brevity .
14 Right Neff 's 5721.11 compact dishwasher can be build in or used on the worksurface .
15 Thirst is usually marked but there can be dysphagia for solids from the constriction .
16 The difference can be explaiend by the molecular species of lecithins used .
17 I 'm wurkin hard and lurning to be a sailor , so you can be prowd of me .
18 Spoken language is spontaneous which results in hesitations ( errm , um ) and false starts , and a grammatical structure can be cut-off in mid-production and replaced by another ( Hindle , 1983a ) .
19 But there can be criticism of psychoanalytic theories on a rational basis .
20 The sequence can be row by row , with bonding into groups of five .
21 I hope she wo n't relent , for there can be life after divorce and it would be great for her to find a man who would value her and be faithful .
22 The same subjects — at any rate , the same subjects nominally — can be part of a university education and of a course in technology .
23 To this end , disguise can be part of nature 's game .
24 I hope this can be part of the clean-up of rivers . ’
25 I am not qualified to write in detail about such substances as LSD , cocaine and heroin but I am sure you will agree that there is no way that they can be part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle .
26 Of course , all these symptoms can be part of the growing-up process , but if you are worried that your teenager might be taking drugs , or suspect drug-taking among their friends or school mates , it is very important for their own safety that you should get help .
27 But a new , slim-line Rizzo could be about to emerge because the company he works for , Staley , of Decatur , Illinois , has developed a cheesecake that , to purloin a phrase , can be part of a calorie-controlled diet .
28 Despite the current fear of AIDS and the moral backlash increasingly in evidence in the late eighties , most callers now take far less persuading that homosexuality can be part of a valid lifestyle .
29 Introducing the subject of safer sex can be part of this process .
30 Common objects , a marble or pebble , a shell or a shiny conker can be part of a nature table collection and more unusual objects may be borrowed from museums .
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