Example sentences of "can [adv] do [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 But Sam can apparently do what the hell he likes , with as many women as he pleases ! ’
2 Many people think you can only do what the punchcard tells you to do but , being me , I always try to get as much as I can from them — even with a lace card I 'll try knitting it in different ways .
3 We can only do what we do and if it rubs off , then fine .
4 Local authorities can only do what the law explicitly allows ; all council powers come from Acts of Parliament .
5 If they 're not properly trained it 's not their fault , people can only do what they can do ca n't they ?
6 Can not do what ? ’ she said brightly , returning with the tray .
7 We can not do what we want because guilt convinces us that those around us will be hurt , so we temper our lives and our actions to avoid that mythical hurt .
8 So , in order to avoid what we believe is hurting others , we end up hurting ourselves , with the final result that because we can not do what we want , we grow bitter and resentful .
9 More critically , it highlights the nature of the constraints on press ‘ freedom ’ : one simply can not do what one ‘ wants ’ ; the exigencies of the market determine what is , and is not , possible .
10 An enterprise director can not do what he considers best for society since , without the market 's signals , he can not know what this is .
11 Sadly , the city can not do what is most needed : join its suburban neighbours in a regional government that does away with redundancies and evens out the huge inequities in school financing and municipal services .
12 One is that it is n't all just a question of the Scottish hierarchy being thralled to Rome in such a way that it can not do what it wants .
13 They can do what they believe they can do but they sure as hell can not do what their manager believes they can not do .
14 No I no I do n't say that , cos what I always said is you can not do what your friends will never let you do .
15 Encouraging local managers to use their entrepreneurial and leadership qualities by contributing to the corporate planning and decision-making structure ; in other words , they can influence the future of services if they can convince colleagues and seniors that such change is justified across the organization , but they can not do whatever they want without authority
16 As Kenny McLeod says : ‘ What we share with these groups is that we can now do what the fuck we like . ’
17 I can surely do what I like on my day off , not be reproached if I choose to come home early because I feel tired , and secondly , as I said before , I am not playing games .
18 In my third year I learned to adore the man ; he can virtually do what he likes and I 'll still adore him .
19 You can either do what we 've already done or you can base it on stuff that we 'll do in the future .
20 You can actually do what you want .
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