Example sentences of "can [adv] be put " in BNC.

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1 The Defence wheel can only be put over for a major change of course when there is a fortuitous coincidence of national and international events , political trends , and economic pressures at a time when there is also a Secretary of State in office , who has the strength of character and political standing to create a new consensus in Whitehall , Westminster , and the electorate .
2 This improvement in standards can only be put down to cellar training .
3 Out of these minute indications , which can only be put on the page as a result of a firmly held original image , comes that necessary close sympathy .
4 But this can only be put right by changing attitudes to risk aversion .
5 It can only be put down to the ravages of drink ’ .
6 The new guarantee , good for the first year after purchase , would entitle consumers to free repairs , a replacement on loan or compensation if the product is not repaired within five days ( three for motor vehicles ) , the choice of a refund or replacement if the fault can not be put right in three attempts , or if the product is under repair for 30 days in any 12-month period .
7 ‘ There are certain eternal values which can not be put to referendum , ’ he announced .
8 The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change has constantly warned governments that the business of reducing carbon dioxide emissions ( by 60 per cent over the next two or three decades ) can not be put off any longer .
9 It was , presumably , drafted and engrossed by persons of reasonable educational standard , and the eccentricities ( to modern eyes ) in the orthography can not be put down to illiteracy .
10 He goes on to argue that as the right side of the brain has no language capacity , the knowledge it acquires can not be put into words : this may explain the failure of his attempts to do so .
11 That stage can not be put off for ever .
12 Any breach of these undertakings that can not be put right will lead to a deferred inheritance tax charge based on the current market value of the item concerned .
13 Likes and dislikes can not be put down to pure genetic inheritance alone .
14 As the RSFSR can not be put at risk by being surrounded by non-obedient or independent and sovereign republics in Ukraine , Belorussia , Lithuania , Armenia , etc. , so the security of the USSR as a national state can not be put at risk by non-obedient and sovereign countries in east central Europe ( and possibly elsewhere ) .
15 As the RSFSR can not be put at risk by being surrounded by non-obedient or independent and sovereign republics in Ukraine , Belorussia , Lithuania , Armenia , etc. , so the security of the USSR as a national state can not be put at risk by non-obedient and sovereign countries in east central Europe ( and possibly elsewhere ) .
16 Unfortunately , this advice can not be put into practice .
17 It is also true that section 2(8) does not provide complete protection , since information obtained in answer to questions ( such as , for example , the location of funds in a foreign bank account ) can lead to the disclosure of damaging facts which once known can be proved by other means , even if the answers themselves can not be put in evidence .
18 * represents a square where a piece can not be put .
19 It is only these words that have passed through the legal machinery of law-making , and individual Members of Parliament can not be put into the witness-box to supplement or interpret what has been formally enacted .
20 The truth is , that the clock can not be put back .
21 There are , indeed , things that can not be put into words .
22 ‘ But surely an anointed king can not be put aside , ’ murmured Isabel .
23 Bangor 's 80-year-old Carnegie Library , situated in Hamilton Road , is in constant need of repair , with a large stock of books which can not be put on public display because of the limited floor space .
24 It can not be put off .
25 In order to address this question one must first endeavour to investigate the type of meaning expressed by to and the type of meaning expressed by the modals and then try to see why they can not be put into relation with one another .
26 If there is a defect in the title , it is as well that it be dealt with and agreed from early on in the transaction , and if the defect can not be put right , it may be necessary to make arrangements for a defective title indemnity policy .
27 But which of us is right can easily be put to the test .
28 We often receive letters about relatively minor matters that can easily be put right after discussion with patients .
29 Granted the rich diversity of the phenomena of the biological world , a disagreement over results can generally be put down to differences between animals ( ‘ species or strain differences ’ , for instance ) or to subtle alterations in experimental conditions , and can therefore be fudged or ignored .
30 For instance , in the eight queens problem , the position Q can not be extended to a goal because no queen can ever be put in the left file .
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