Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] at " in BNC.

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1 Such a positive-sum game must be contrasted with a zero-sum game in which the game to some can only be at the expense of others .
2 One is no longer at home anywhere , so in the end one longs to be back where one can somehow be at home because it is the only place where one would wish to be at home : and that is the world of Greece ! "
3 The poem does convey a message , though the message can not be at every point decoded .
4 Unfortunately their ideas have not been tested out a great deal in other areas of London or the rest of the country , so we can not be at all sure whether the findings they claim are appropriate for application to the whole of our society are in fact so .
5 It is sufficient to contravene this regulation where the patch is more than a quarter of the breadth of the tread , because there can not be at least three-quarters of good tread around the whole circumference of the tyre in such a case .
6 The oscillators can not be at rest because then they would have exactly defined positions and moments .
7 ‘ I 'm sorry , but I can not be at your beck and call all the time , my dear .
8 quite right , I can easily be at Dave 's Saturday , no problem , I know Dave
9 For example , an estate agent might say , ‘ The house is situated four miles from the company where you work ( product feature ) which means that you can easily be at work within fifteen minutes of leaving home ’ ( customer benefit ) .
10 Right , the reason that er an officer would still stay er with an eleven year old child , a three year old child , or t to get to the realms of fantasy a ninety year old person is that person can still be at risk not necessarily from the police officers , but from anybody else in that building and therefore they 've got to remain er in that room until such time as I 'm satisfied that everything is clear .
11 People who take sleeping pills can also be at risk of falling , especially if they rise to void during the night , and the ‘ hang-over ’ feeling in the morning can create a safety risk .
12 Canon can also be at other intervals , as mentioned in Variation 5 of ‘ Von Himmel hoch ’ , above , but in tonal music the most usual interval , apart from the unison and octave , is canon at the 5th above or the 4th below .
13 Yet a population with a high dietary intake of fat , protein , and meat can also be at very low risk of colorectal cancer .
14 For example , refractive errors ( those defects in the shape of the eye that prevent light rays from being brought sharply on to the retina in a single focus and which include short-sightedness , long-sightedness and astigmatism can often be at least partially corrected by the provision of appropriate lenses in eyeglasses .
15 These and other well-documented case-histories lend support to the idea that food sensitivity can sometimes be at the root of serious mental illness .
16 Even the great binders can occasionally be at fault .
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