Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In many small rural districts these obligations can effectively pre-empt almost all ‘ voids ’ ( vacancies ) occurring during the year and leave very few opportunities for housing applicants from the general waiting list .
2 NOW that Falkirk Football Club has confirmed the surprising choice of Campbell Christie , General Secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress , as its new chairman , we can presumably look forward to a radical change of tactics on the field .
3 So , for example , when I ask a group of students at the beginning of an interdisciplinary course in women 's writing and the visual arts , to come up with the names of any contemporary women artists , they can rarely mention more than one or two .
4 I shall therefore look more closely at their teachings , partly because of the ecumenical value of an awareness of their doctrine , but mainly because we can thereby focus much more clearly upon what religions mean by ‘ God ’ .
5 Parent companies can thereby keep under tight control the capital they have tied up in idle stocks and make substantial savings on fixed outlay in storage or warehousing .
6 Although many of the massage techniques in this illustrated guide are for two people to practise on each other , as you can clearly see from the simple techniques over the page , massage is something that you can successfully achieve alone .
7 We can all go this afternoon , we can all go tonight , makes no difference
8 This can all go straight in the bin this with all this lot .
9 He says , There , he says , You can all go home and die now , all I 've got left is Epsom Salts .
10 it maybe it maybe , sir , you should allocate all the housing to Selby , and we can all go home .
11 And I just have a couple of other things I want to say to you and then we can all go home .
12 It 's not a question of what a company can do for a day centre , or what an environmental group can do for a business , it 's a question what we can all do together , for the community .
13 Let's see if we can all do better .
14 Well absolutely , I mean we 've got together a little earlier this year to make sure we did n't have the same problem as last year , and obviously that 's a good thing to get all the problems out of the way so early and so we can all plan ahead for next year without facing any problems that , you know , just before the season starts like we did this year , so altogether a good thing , yes .
15 Well so that you can all play together .
16 Interestingly , in normal colonic lamina propria most cells ( 87% ) recognised by these reagents seem to be positive for all three markers and can apparently function both as phagocytes and antigen presenting cells .
17 Within a particular culture , a description can naturally go further in identifying a devout picture of a Virgin and Child , or a dancing figure with six arms as Siva .
18 The sand grains themselves are confined to a layer very near to the surface and thus their erosive effect is very limited in vertical extent , while surface creep can obviously affect only an extremely limited vertical range .
19 Now you 're obviously I mean most people are but you can obviously understand better think better if they 're more practical
20 Sometimes the ferret simply holds the rabbit and by drawing the line you can gently move both ferret and rabbit into reaching distance .
21 In addition , they can perhaps bring home to the community just how much education needs and deserves better funding .
22 However , it can be shown that the runaway greenhouse effect , had it acted on an Earth-like quantity of water , can perhaps lead initially to a copious escape of hydrogen with no enhancement of D/ 1 H during this process .
23 Richard M. Cooper , former archivist of the house of Longman , who published the book , makes the point , however , that a small ‘ privately printed ’ pamphlet published a month or two before The Pencil of Nature contains a single photographic frontispiece ‘ and therefore can perhaps take prior claim to be the first book in the world illustrated by photography , but it did not play the significantly influential part of The Pencil of Nature in establishing photographic illustration .
24 A farmer rearing his own replacements and with a static herd size who purchases a calving heifer of roughly similar merit to his existing herd can perhaps afford about £4 per extra point .
25 No not now , you can perhaps try today .
26 A rabbit can suddenly spring forwards , upwards and away .
27 Orwell 's simplicity was much like that parent-figure : it can suddenly look more complicated , and more assumed , than one had at first supposed .
28 The most vicious can suddenly look very prim when assuming the role of the victim .
29 I just hope there wo n't be too many … the music room can only hold about a hundred , comfortably .
30 Schools will need mechanisms for doing this ; and the level of professional understanding of the issues and the imperatives underlying them can only improve thereby .
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