Example sentences of "what she [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 With her stamps what she had from Asda or Boots she bought her Christmas presents .
2 Whatever it was , it was n't what she expected from a man .
3 So , if what she received from Beatrix is what the kidnappers want , she 's not to know , is she ? ’
4 ‘ I ca n't give her what she wants from me , Mick .
5 And she had sounded fairly unequivocal about what she wanted from him , too .
6 It was only a few months ago , but it seemed like years , since the young girl , who kept herself to herself , and thought she knew what she wanted from life , unpacked them with secret glee .
7 What she wanted from Luke Hunter was not a few months ' — or even a few years ' — sensual companionship .
8 She read out what she wanted from her list and Stuart ran to fetch it .
9 She gasped , only because she knew what she wanted from him .
10 what she wanted from the shops , it was like erm a thick notebook did you
11 That made sense , and fitted in with what she remembered from college business lectures .
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