Example sentences of "what they [verb] do " in BNC.

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1 When the 850 patrons then rose en masse and made for the exits , the actors wondered what they 'd done wrong .
2 The next morning , realizing and regretting what they 'd done , they went back to the pub and were relieved to discover that the publican had n't cashed their cheque .
3 And Phil Oakey must have eaten his own fringe when he heard what they 'd done to his malevolently provincial classic ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ .
4 But the real the real glorious irony I think that cheers up erm psephologists like me , political analysists , is that in those May elections the Conservatives did dramatically well compared to what they 'd done in the general election .
5 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
6 And when Victor realised what they 'd done he was furious .
7 Oh all their friends what they 'd done .
8 Mrs Blakey kept on asking them what they 'd done that day .
9 They had people to do that for them half the time , there was no need for it , but it was as if I had to earn my keep , I had to repay what they 'd done for me , with the people that worked there laughing at me behind my back , wondering where I 'd come from , thinking maybe I was no better than them .
10 God knows what they 'd done to offend her .
11 Mr Stokle says he felt like killing the culprits when he first saw what they 'd done to Mrs Leyshon .
12 What they 'd done together .
13 It was er one foolscap plus of , of words you know , explaining what , what they 'd done and all this and why they 'd done it !
14 But it could also mean that erm they were getti that it they had been successful in getting taxation from what they 'd done since the beginning of cos they felt they could go even further .
15 Limits were set in short by both sides on what they sought to do and how they sought to do it and these limits erm were n't self-evident at the time I can tell you because the American military , the Chiefs of Staff on the Executive Committee that discussed this an and took the decisions , were all in favour of making s air strikes on these bases and possibly er an er an armed intervention and so the military advice here er was er was rather similar to that of McArthur 's , that is turn the , the crisis into er a different kind of crisis , turn it in fact into a war .
16 Limits were set in short by both sides on what they sought to do and how they sought to do it and these limits erm were n't self-evident at the time I can tell you because the American military , the Chiefs of Staff on the Executive Committee that discussed this an and took the decisions , were all in favour of making s air strikes on these bases and possibly er an er an armed intervention and so the military advice here er was er was rather similar to that of McArthur 's , that is turn the , the crisis into er a different kind of crisis , turn it in fact into a war .
17 I have been listening for hours as our politicians tell us what they intend to do if elected , yet I have not heard one mention of the disabled .
18 What we do n't know is what they intend to do now that they are here .
19 They have the requisite intention under the section if that is what they intend to do .
20 In order to help us I think in our discussions , it seems to me that , I think we ought to write formally to the County Council and to the District Council actually asking them for more details of their consideration for what they intend to do about parishes .
21 I think in order to support our our response to the Royal Commission , which is imminent , the County Council and the District Council must now have had firm ideas on what they intend to do with parishes .
22 They should get off their backsides and let us see what they intend to do about it .
23 They usually , you know , say on the telly what they intend doing !
24 Just smash the lock , what they do , what , what that cop told us , oh that looks nice Joyce , they just erm get her things , put it on wall like that and then they just start it with wires , but it , that 's what they trying to do with ours , but er they 've either , either been disturbed or erm they , they took theirs , Monday night in all that fog
25 ‘ That 's what they tend to do . ’
26 And when they silver plate things what they tend to do I mean first th the thing When you plate something erm it follows the shape .
27 and , erm what they tend to do once it 's gone in they 'll say if there 's anything you need , if you get any problems on the system or there 's anything you want he says get in touch with us , he says and if necessary we 'll get in touch with
28 What they 've done to us is immoral . ’
29 We do n't know what they 've done .
30 ‘ Although any draw against German opposition represents a big challenge , because I 've got the greatest respect and admiration for what they 've done at club and international level for over 20 years .
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