Example sentences of "what they have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tony Jacklin had won the 1960 Open and the 1970 US Open , and his huge British following was going to make sure that he did what they 'd hoped he 'd do in 1970 at St Andrews , and win the 1971 Open at Birkdale .
2 Many of How 's clients were in court today for what they 'd hoped would be the final day of a complex five week trial .
3 And the marvellous thing in Plato of Socrates , when he 'd been told by the Delphic Oracle that he was the wisest of men , he started off like a sort of good poperian scientist trying to falsify this and he went round finding people wiser than himself and he went to various people and they were n't any wiser , and then he thought ‘ Oh , the poets , they 're marvellous people , they know so much ’ , and he went to them and he found that the had n't a clue what they 'd written .
4 And he went to them , and he found that they had n't a clue what they 'd written , and he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by a Muse .
5 Central South saw what they 'd achieved by 1991 , and now we 've been back to check on progress .
6 A compromise was reached whereby all the latecomers were allowed in , spontaneously , in one great gush after a particularly jolly sketch called ‘ Lumpy Latimer ’ , and they could all settle themselves down , remove their shoes , finish their sandwiches and consult the fellow next to them over what they 'd missed .
7 The route , at least , was what they 'd said , and so with nothing worse than the altitude to battle against , we reached the summit with ample time to absorb the views .
8 And the Old Bill came down and found them and nicked us , even after what they 'd said .
9 Yeah I think at the onset of the strike there were a few people who were considered likely to be forced to get back to work or to go back to work , because of what they 'd said , because of well just you know because of what they say in the meetings or because of what they did n't say in the meetings .
10 By the time you remembered what they 'd said erm
11 No i I phoned insurance up and told them what they 'd said , cos I got Maggie to phone , it were Maggie that said , they told Maggie that they were gon na put a second hand wheel on and everything instead of a brand new one so she told insurance about it .
12 Well that 's what they 'd said to Melody Maker .
13 Yeah that 's what they 'd said to Melody Maker .
14 It had been bought by a northern brewery who could n't believe that they could get over a pound a pint for their best bitter despite what they 'd heard about Londoners .
15 Guess what they 'd seen me in ?
16 When they got back , they wrote about what they 'd seen and drew pictures of their ideal playground .
17 As it drove slowly away towards the town , so the small knot of idlers and gawpers dispersed , back to the quays and the eating houses to tell about what they 'd seen , and Huy and Merymose were left alone .
18 Survivors thought their vehicles had been stopped for a security check ; the shock of what they 'd seen sent this young Palestinian into deep trauma .
19 When the 850 patrons then rose en masse and made for the exits , the actors wondered what they 'd done wrong .
20 The next morning , realizing and regretting what they 'd done , they went back to the pub and were relieved to discover that the publican had n't cashed their cheque .
21 And Phil Oakey must have eaten his own fringe when he heard what they 'd done to his malevolently provincial classic ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ .
22 But the real the real glorious irony I think that cheers up erm psephologists like me , political analysists , is that in those May elections the Conservatives did dramatically well compared to what they 'd done in the general election .
23 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
24 And when Victor realised what they 'd done he was furious .
25 Oh all their friends what they 'd done .
26 Mrs Blakey kept on asking them what they 'd done that day .
27 They had people to do that for them half the time , there was no need for it , but it was as if I had to earn my keep , I had to repay what they 'd done for me , with the people that worked there laughing at me behind my back , wondering where I 'd come from , thinking maybe I was no better than them .
28 God knows what they 'd done to offend her .
29 Mr Stokle says he felt like killing the culprits when he first saw what they 'd done to Mrs Leyshon .
30 What they 'd done together .
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