Example sentences of "what he have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The tragedies of miscegenation have never been simple — ever since Othello did what he had to do to Desdemona .
2 He would do what he had to do and escape .
3 He repeated the plan several times to make sure Endill understood what he had to do .
4 When he graduated Hugo took a succession of low-paid jobs in 7th Avenue and the optimism with which he had set out began to be dimmed by the sheer sick-making banality of what he had to do — cutting samples in the disgusting fabrics with which the greedy cutthroat manufacturers he worked for made their living .
5 Suddenly he knew what he had to do : he had to go to Monument Hill and see the broken earth for himself .
6 Now he knew what he had to do : he had to go to the Unification Church and find out what , if anything , was going on there .
7 He knew exactly what he had to do .
8 Just as he had been wont to do as a boy , so this morning after waking , he had lain and thought of the day ahead and what he had to do in it , and he was aware that life had taken on a tinge of colour .
9 Looking up into Joe 's face , Michael felt a moment of terror at what he had to do .
10 Michael knew what he had to do .
11 What he had to do now was stretch out and take the hand of friendship being offered to him .
12 Ernest Jarvis did what he had to do elaborately , and it must have taken him a long time .
13 Perhaps he did not trust himself to mount that stool and do what he had to do .
14 As soon as they were in the train , in a rather crowded car where there was no chance of a seat , Jasper understood what he had to do .
15 The next night Rabscuttle , who had been told by El-ahrairah what he had to do , went to the garden and dug a scrape .
16 Her entire knowledge of what he had to do to earn his crust amounted to not a row of beans .
17 It was Anderson 's wild pleasure in what he had to do .
18 And now , to set the seal on this disastrous year , the member of parliament for Frizingley , old Charlie Bowen , who had been John-William 's man and Ben Braithwaite 's man and knew exactly what he had to do to earn the money they paid him , had fallen off his horse — the damned fool — and broken his neck .
19 He had done what he had to do .
20 But this is what he had to do .
21 He knew what he had to do now .
22 He had already pictured the shot and knew what he had to do .
23 He knew now what he had to do .
24 What he had to do was to " live apart from men , as far as the needs of the body allow … continually upheld by him whom I love " ( 31.142 ) .
25 To Sophie , the atmosphere of the zoo was absorbing , but what pleased her most was the way in which Robert was including her in what he had to do .
26 Well the Solicitors turned round and said to him that there 's a twenty five per cent chance he 'll lose his licence , but then he 'll get there erm , but most he 'll probably get is about a month , and then he said , well surely your job could find you something to do in that time , has said , no licence , no job , so what he had to do was to .
27 So he er he was most upset was poor Ben so I did explain to him that what he had to do with policemen if they were n't feeling too good was to try and avoid saying things er quite as straightforwardly as that .
28 So what he had to do , the the the the customer in fact , is end up by climbing up the bannister to get to the top so that he could get hold of the lad that was at the top get hold of him by the feet and pull him upwards and over and er finally free the man at the bottom .
29 Huy found that , during much of what he had to listen to over the next few minutes , his only defence against the temptation to break the young man over his knee was to invoke the Horus within him .
30 He explained how , due to the cessation of hostilities between England and France , the hiring of vessels was now cheap and easy and , for what he had to sell , it was a buyer 's market .
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