Example sentences of "what he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the state of your test results , God can make your life useful and successful IF you are willing to do what he asks you to .
2 My earliest memories of being abused are of going into a neighbour 's house when I was five or six and getting money for what he made me do .
3 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
4 Even young people have ideas and can make up their own minds , and he did n't want to tell us what he thought we should do because it was our lives and he realised that . ’
5 She wanted to tell him the rest of it ; tell him what Mrs Gotobed had told her to tell Mr Evans and ask Albert what he thought she had meant , but she could n't think how to put it without making herself sound fearfully stupid .
6 He had been in the habit , as he left in the mornings , of saying , ‘ Well , I 'm off to work now , ’ until one day , shortly before she deserted , she had , at those words , slammed shut the door of the dishwasher with a crash that shattered a wine glass and shouted at him : she had inquired , without much originality , what he thought she did all day , whether he imagined that cooking and shopping and washing and minding the child was not work , whether he supposed that she would now retire to her bed and lie there sucking chocolate bars and examining her fingernails until he chose to return for dinner .
7 It was also understandable that he should hate her for what he thought she was doing , or , rather , helping Garry do .
8 To add to that , he hated her for what he thought she was doing to his sister .
9 It terrified her , that she could so lose control in the arms of this man who was everything she despised , who despised her , who wanted her for what he thought she was .
10 When he caught Steve he asked him what he thought he was up to Well , said Steve , my mum and dad have split up .
11 Society always came before the individual and determined what he thought he wanted .
12 The king called Maclean of Duart to Edinburgh , to explain just what he thought he was at , creating havoc all over the west coast .
13 She , skilled in the ways of therapy , had after the first few sessions begun dissecting his own motives for him and Kevin , like an obedient dog , ended up nodding slowly as she told him clearly , fully , frankly what he meant when he said what he thought about what she or Henry felt , and how what he thought he thought about what they felt , or said they felt , probably was n't what he really felt any more than what they said they felt was really deep down what they really felt .
14 On the other hand , it could be claimed with some justification that moral considerations were involved in Gandhi 's decision to fast and that he did what he thought he had to do in those situations .
15 For a bachelor , too , the working conditions and the pay were well above what he thought he could command elsewhere .
16 In the meantime , he was busy talking to Stefan on the radio , at least that 's what he thought he was doing .
17 What he thought he needed was someone with the public fame to take over the leadership and to hold a candle to the great names of Lloyd George , Austen Chamberlain , Churchill , Birkenhead and Balfour .
18 ‘ I 've heard about this sort of thing before , ’ he said , as if realizing what he 'd stumbled on , or at least what he thought he 'd stumbled on .
19 She referred to one pupil 's piece of writing which described what he thought he had learned in the first session with the advisory teacher :
20 I expect that 's what he thought he was going to when you grabbed him at the end of the war .
21 It might be very unwise to accost him , to ask him just what he thought he was doing — trespassing and helping himself to food .
22 Bernice could n't see what he thought he would be able to do even if they did catch up with the shapechangers .
23 She was n't sure what he knew , but she did know by now that most of what he thought he knew was all supposition .
24 The summarizing of needs erm well the exploration of needs you , you never really went in to erm er what he really needed , what he thought he needed to retire on .
25 The whole interview reminded him of the English card game in which you not only had to guess what cards your opponent held , but decide what he thought yours were , and so on .
26 Anyway , that 's what he thought it was , which was all that mattered .
27 It 's a lot better than what he thought it would have been .
28 ‘ I am not what you think I am , ’ and I asked him what he thought I believed him to be .
29 And when he remembered who I was , what he thought I was — well , that was it !
30 What he says they were intended for and what their actual use was to be , were , I suspect , quite different . ’
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