Example sentences of "what it will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The debate there has hardly started : for example , when John Smith says he is in favour of a bill , he needs to be pressed on what it will contain ( social and economic rights as well as political ones ? ) ; and whether it will be repealable by a simple majority of the Commons .
2 Each organisation will have to publish explicit standards on what it will offer to its customers .
3 And I am not suggesting that learning to relax will change a single external circumstance ; what it will change is the effect those external circumstances have on your mind and body .
4 Implicit in the notion of a game is that of taking a risk , and one bases one 's decision on what it will cost if one loses .
5 You must now determine what financial help you need ( including Government subsidies for such things as new buildings , fencing , hedging , hill cattle , and sheep ) , what it will cost , and how it is to be repaid .
6 Furthermore , he must keep them informed about progress of the project — what they will get , when they will get it , and what it will cost .
7 not a lot of cost , compared to what it will cost if you do n't make a will and there are complications or if you make a home-made will and there are complications .
8 Some solicitors charge per hour , but since there can be so many complications when you are buying or selling , it is almost impossible to get an accurate quote of what it will cost .
9 Of course , the rival may fight back , but the point is not that this type of calculation ensures a successful barrier to entry , but that it provides a way of assessing what it will cost the rival to surmount the barrier to attain cost leadership .
10 Weigh up what it will cost you to commit your life to me .
11 ‘ It 's worth what it will fetch , see , ’ the man said , unruffled .
12 This is a budget that promises what it will deliver .
13 However , before you go adding vast quantities of fat to your dogs ' food , spare a thought for what it will do to the rest of your diet .
14 THE Government was unable to explain in the Lords yesterday what it will do if Vietnam refuses to accept the boat people to be repatriated from Hong Kong .
15 London Underground 's Charter will set out tougher new standards and what it will do to compensate passengers should it fail to meet those standards .
16 So if the offer is made to you to work shorter hours , think carefully about these aspects , and what it will do to your pension .
17 What it will do is indicate areas where the maximum benefit will be obtained from the use of the resources available .
18 What it will do is to identify those kinds of misspelling that most pupils are likely to make : appropriate teaching at this stage helps to avoid remedial teaching later .
19 To do so will not , of course , make any of the problems go away ; what it will do , however , is to shift the emphasis of our work so that the problems no longer undermine its effectiveness , indeed they become part of the raw material of our work .
20 We all know what the Labour party will do to the higher rate , but even it does not seem to know what it will do to the tax on middle managers — national insurance contributions .
21 ‘ I do n't know what it will do to her when she hears that they 're the wrong bodies . ’
22 But it , well what it will do is it will actually mean that you have n't , should n't have to worry so much about keeping logs of what you 've sent round and , and so on .
23 A quest awaits us , no less , and who can say what it will bring ? ’
24 Thus , we do not know what it will feel like and we are not keen on knowing !
25 I wonder if I will get away with things as easily as I have on other serious falls and I wonder what it will feel like at the bottom .
26 A good rule is to look at the shape and size of the flower before you press it , and then imagine what it will look like once it is flat .
27 She wonders what it will look like by midnight .
28 Mr Gorbachev has again postponed a decision on what sort of economic system he is aiming for by referring the question of private land ownership to a referendum ; when this will take place and exactly what it will ask are not yet decided .
29 What it will say is that the chemistry can be modified to take account of the particular mineral and its final base .
30 The real er difficulty is that we at this stage do n't actually know what 's going to be in the local plan and we believe and this is what erm Mid Sussex District Council are suggesting , is that it will be an amalgamation of the current separate local plans which cover their area , but there may well be some changes erm and until we see the thing as a whole we do n't know what it will say , moreover erm there may be elements outside the East Grinstead housing and business allocation which erm from another point of view might lead to a withholding of the statement of conformity .
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