Example sentences of "what has be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you have a really warm relationship with your elderly parent and the two of you communicate well , you may also be able to help her a good deal by occasional discussions on attitudes generally in bereavement and the more positive aspects of what has been such a tragic and painful experience for her ; steering her tenderly towards the realisation that what she now has is not only what Dylan Thomas 's wife described as ‘ left-over life to kill ’ , but left-over love to give , which is a very different thing .
2 Even if we decide to do very differently , a knowledge of what has been strong and efficient elsewhere can guide us towards good results .
3 However , in ‘ urban ’ and ‘ regional ’ studies , the issue of explanation for what has been prominent by its absence .
4 With this in view the consensus among the agencies is that there will be some discounting , because nobody can ever get it exactly right , but nothing like what has been available in recent years .
5 In the light of what has been available on the market between 1986 and 1989 , it is fascinating to see what was not acquired as well as what has been bought .
6 Study what has been successful and popular in the past .
7 It has been our purpose here to indicate what has been successful in the past , and the strong technical basis which underpins success .
8 Well I 've visited both Cambodia itself and the camps , er first of all in the camps , the situation is appalling because there are very many people who do not want to be in those camps and are really in effect being held there against their will , and what has been extraordinary until this year , is that the people who 've been holding them there against their will have been the Phol Pot dominated so-called coalition government and on the basis of the people being in the camps , that , that , that regime has gone on to claim recognition at the United Nations ; an appalling situation .
9 I do n't anyway this is just one of the highlights of what has been two marvellous days at the Mackeson meeting sponsored of course by Whitbread and the big race today is the fifty thousand pound Mackeson Gold Cup confirming fifteen runners over two and a half miles .
10 The key to this remarkable turnaround in what has been one of the most restrictive industries is , of course , PostScript .
11 So , although we have of course taken a view of what has been significant , we deny that we have been ethnocentric in our choice of an Anglo-American focus .
12 The Minister can not fail to acknowledge what has been common knowledge in the combined heat and power industry — that the major block is electricity prices .
13 Germany is at last waking up to the what has been clear to outsiders for the past year or so , that there is going to be no quick fix to the recession it is facing and that it will be long and grinding : this week the BDI industrial federation admitted that the downturn could develop into Germany 's worst recession since the end of World War II , saying that the western German economy will continue to decline , and the fall will be deeper than previously thought , so that in important sectors such as the capital goods industry the downturn will represent a new post-war record ; the body blames weak foreign demand for German goods , the now over-valued mark and rising costs for German industry and now admits it is the result of structural problems that will have long-term economic effects .
14 The individuals ' personal history , what they have done , who they have been , what has been important to them , makes them come ‘ alive ’ , helping them emerge from the ‘ elderly ’ or ‘ dependent ’ or ‘ infirm ’ stereotypes .
15 Finally , I am sure that you will want me to thank the staff of the Council for their valuable work in what has been another very busy and challenging year .
16 What has been er what has been pleasing is that a n a number of the people who 've come in on the last two or three years or so er are younger people , people in their er late teens or twenties .
17 Balding is at a loss to explain what has been wrong with Morley Street .
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