Example sentences of "what we [vb mod] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Over and over again , in all cultures , psychoanalytic investigations insistently reveal what Freud termed the ‘ Oedipus complex ’ but what we might with equal justice call the ‘ Gelada complex ’ .
2 And the non-practitioners say , look , wait a minute , this is what we ought to be doing .
3 But the sort of criticism that says ‘ if we want to achieve X , I believe we are going the wrong way about it , what we ought to be doing is Y ’ , seems to me to be exactly the approach that is needed .
4 With that as the background , it is the time for a deep study of the philosophy underlying the system — to determine afresh what we ought to be seeking to achieve , to examine how far and in what manner the results of our present practice fall short , and to sift new ideas in order to judge which of them appear both constructive and practicable in operation .
5 I know what we ought to be looking for — a high , lonely place with dry soil , where rabbits can see and hear all round and men hardly ever come .
6 Instead of thinking that it is natural for a moving object to carry on in a straight line at a steady speed , and then worrying about how the force of gravity manages to pull all objects — heavy ones and light ones — round in the same orbit , what we ought to be doing is thinking of the path they all follow as being the natural path .
7 procedures which are , do n't quite fit you , then I think what we ought to be looking for is a certain amount of common ground between your procedure and our procedure , so there is not something , you 're doing something completely different to the way the rest of us are doing it .
8 No doubt our accepting what we are must always inhibit our being what we ought to be ; for all that , it felt like a step forward — and upward .
9 Er looking at this , if it 's actually a lot more central to what we ought to be doing .
10 Head : ‘ Departmental development , individual development , what we ought to be doing , awareness of your needs , give people new lease of life , new motivation . ’
11 What we ought to be aiming for is more localised revolved estate management .
12 It was a timid first step as to what , compared with what we ought to be doing .
13 And I think they have a tremendous contribution to make , and I think what we ought to be doing with er people who retire , it 's not to say the end of their working life , and therefore they 're on the scrap heap , but that it 's a new stage in life and we ought to honour them and respect them and I think , give them some er affirm where they 're at , and use them much more as the guardians of wisdom and the guardians of the stories of the community , and use them in that sort of way .
14 Let us now look at each of these kinds of books in turn and see what we can about how they are written .
15 Of course there are people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds ; of course we must do what we can about it .
16 ‘ On all other fronts we were ready for them , but we 'll put what we can into this one . ’
17 ’ So , after appearing to settle for third-person narrative , he doubles back on himself and leaves us to make what we can of an omniscient author who is bound hand and foot to a far from omniscient protagonist .
18 There is a need to make what we can of an essentially applied subject , hoping that we can gain what is required from other disciplines without going too deeply into them .
19 We will do what we can to er speed things and to catch up .
20 There is much to do , in the inter-connected aspects of caring for human beings , animals and the environment , and we all have the opportunity to do what we can in our own situations .
21 we I try and cover what we can in the lessons Not so much what we can but what I think is the right amount for you .
22 You agreed that we could try for the purposes of this program to find out what we could about your criminal record and also about your health records .
23 We 'd got word of these outlaws passing through the woods , though they never came near the villages , and then this master-carpenter and his fellow came back to us and told us what had befallen them , and we did what we could for them to set them on their way back to Shrewsbury .
24 . I suppose what we should of done is , done the next one along the drop down there and then matched it all up backwards is n't it ?
25 ‘ We call ourselves the Unifiers — an inner core of trade unionists who are prepared to take a few risks to get what we must for the majority .
26 Yeah , I would like to do is just mention that it 's so surprising really that er the resources used are out of all proportion to what we used to er do on it , on the other central panel .
27 But he was tt er a twist hand in the hosiery trade , making socks , and he worked in the last mobile , not mobile , er mechanical stocking manufacturers , owned by my uncle , Mr Frank , in Street and th what we used to called Street .
28 You want you say your mid- thirties erm er to sort of campaign with but I think we really , this is what we used to be , a campaigning movement and this is what we are no longer .
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