Example sentences of "what [Wh det] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Yeah what which is the nearest one to a Conservative Club ?
2 First of all what what is the outline law saying and secondly why is tho those particular provisions necessary ?
3 What well mainly what what is the I mean , these thinner ones , presumably they would do the job as well as I do n't know I mean , it 's keeping out What I want to do is to keep out the sun .
4 What what is the situation there ?
5 What what is the relationship with her ?
6 Okay erm now so does what what are the rules about this I E thing ?
7 anybody like to start what what are the minuses of retirement , or a minus of retirement as you would see it ?
8 What are the kind of things I mean is it What what are the kind of things d that you think the police should be putting their efforts into stopping ?
9 Now again it 's oh there 's silence in the room but while you 're writing what what are the audience doing if you 're not speaking ?
10 So the first thing is what what 's the first thing you do ?
11 But this one , what what 's the thing that 's left on the
12 What what 's the most unusual thing that then you 've spotted ?
13 She 's got a lot of those what what 's the word ?
14 what what 's the possession that comes after aunts .
15 If h er how much nego er what what 's the situation at the moment , you said three per cent have you ?
16 What what 's the matter ?
17 What what 's the evidence ?
18 Usually what what 's the matter with me .
19 What what was the most interesting thing ?
20 And er what what was the point , it was like a training camp as well was it ?
21 What what was the story about the witch again ?
22 What what was the sort of erm help what did er did you observe was was given from the support group ?
23 but whether we want at the end of it to have another water seminar , looking instead of extraction side but what the water companies are doing with our rivers it might not be a bad idea as part of er producing a considered view later on in the year but I do n't , I do n't think we can hurry this as there 's a lot of lessons to be learnt and I I do n't think we should do the work in the Fire and Public Protection Committee erm in getting our erm eyes taken off the dealing with the actual problem at the moment , we want to look , step , step back and say well what what was the cause of all that , but I do support erm proposal that we should have it listed as er
24 What What was the name of the firm ?
25 And what what was the reason for this ?
26 So what what was the ?
27 he 's old what what was the percentage the church take on pictures , was it ten per cent or fifteen ?
28 Now what what were the bits that were a bit tricky then ?
29 What what were the Yeah the good the good points for you personally , yeah .
30 Yeah I mean if y if you were a double glazing sales person and what what what were the figures that they ex they think that about one in ten
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