Example sentences of "what [vb -s] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Here it is time to turn to a consideration of what has become in the last decade , and is still as I write , perhaps the single most popular learning model in the trade today .
2 So far all we know is what has appeared in the newspapers , that you have , shall we say , brought into life a baby — a human baby just like any one of the infants sleeping in their mothers ' arms all over the world — in a way that is to say the least unusual .
3 What has emerged in my neck of the woods is how common such conflicts have become in the newly-prosperous backyards of rural Britain .
4 ‘ Forgive me , Lady Theodosia , but I could not help but overhear something of what has transpired in this room . ’
5 What has failed in them is Eros ; wherever erotic stirring in them seems to be new , it is nothing of the sort but a reminiscence of a stir that once was .
6 This structural awareness can be as hard to handle as any decision to try to publish the account , for what has happened in the past and what is expected now from the insider is tied up with an understanding of how the institution of policing prefers to present a restricted image for outside consumption , as I have described above .
7 Does he know what has happened in Tranent ? ,
8 What has happened in the past half century , apart from the advance of technology , has been the erection of a firm framework of regulation , the appearance of specific safety technologies , such as industrial hygiene , and the advance of the idea that safety can and must be managed .
9 Look what has happened in the last few days .
10 It is no more partisan than my description of what has happened in the universities . )
11 Given what has happened in Britain , certain enterprises could lend themselves to being sold to the Polish public who , surprisingly , might have few difficulties putting up hard cash to buy shares .
12 Describe what has happened in a story and predict what may happen next .
13 Whatever the reason , such additional matters are fully covered on other programmes and attention to them , or even comment on what has happened in the House , distracts from , and reduces time for , the proper reporting of Parliament .
14 What has happened in the modern period is a deviation , not a development : a deviation that is failing economically , socially , environmentally .
15 More unhappiness and depression is caused because the person who is suffering spends too much time regretting or resenting what has happened in the past or anticipating fearfully what may occur in the future .
16 Liverpool seems unique , not simply because of the scale of its problems but also because of the consistent pattern of political conflict that has characterized so much of what has happened in the city and in its relations with central government .
17 Perhaps the best way of illustrating just how this operates in practice and how far-reaching its effects can be in terms of building up the involvement of an entire school community in a philosophy and policy for the future is to show what has happened in one Lincolnshire school .
18 In order to look at the effect that financial devolution , in the form of LMS , is likely to have , both on schools and on the quality of education , it may be helpful to look closely at what has happened in institutions that have already experienced various levels of financial autonomy .
19 Further , acknowledgement of the fact that ‘ gods ’ have always been man-made , would also acknowledge that what has happened in the past has no binding effect , in short , humanity can at any time reconsider its ideas of ‘ god ’ and keep them abreast of its progress in all other fields .
20 It is quite incredible what has happened in my life — the help that has just seemed to come , the opportunities that have arisen , doors that have opened in all directions and , if occasionally one closed , it did n't matter because it always meant a better one would open later .
21 That 's what has happened in world football for the last 10 years and we 've just started doing it .
22 What has happened in the intervening period has been a progressive drawing-together of the ethical activities and interests of ourselves , ICAS and ICAI .
23 Reading Thein Pe 's eye-witness account of what has happened in Burma makes it apparent to any still in doubt that Japan 's slogan of ‘ Asia for the Asiatics ’ means in reality ‘ Asia for Japan ’ .
24 The decision rests on a balance between helping individuals to come to terms with what has happened in their lives at difficult times , risking the possibility of taking them back through stressful and disturbing memories , and leaving the past alone , risking the possibility that counsellees will never come to terms with what is disturbing them .
25 This seems to be exactly what has happened in most BSL situations — the form of instruction has been formal and production-based , and we have a very strong concentration of skills on the interlanguage of English syntax coupled to BSL signs .
26 In each case one begins with a problem , seeks to understand it as fully as possible , works out purposes , devises a plan of action , carries it out , and reviews what has happened in order to judge its implications for future action .
27 This , it seems is what has happened in the X Window graphical user interface builder market , and VI Corp ( Europe ) , based in Wokingham , Berkshire has appreciated that its DataViews product may be too comprehensive for a lot of potential customers and is responding by introducing entry-level graphical user interface development tools .
28 Imagine wanting to live in that room , that awful room , with walls like dung-heaps , what has happened in there , what has been done in that room ?
29 And I think this has been proved you know that ask when people have changed their minds and said I do n't know , that this is what has happened in the last er ten to fifteen years erm and which makes me feel that once again I think that advances can only be evolutionary erm I think that erm , I do n't know if you , anybody saw Joseph Conrad 's erm spy story on the television ?
30 It is an essential element in the planning cycle to measure the effects of the advertising , as far as possible , together with those of other types of marketing activity , in order to take account of what has happened in the next phase of planning .
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