Example sentences of "what [vb mod] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It conforms to our modern secular perception of what ought to have happened .
2 Fourthly , control is not just a matter of identifying progress , it is also a matter of putting right what may have gone wrong .
3 Do you have any idea what may have caused this ?
4 Despite what may have appeared as the rejuvenation of an all-but-lost career , Solly is still a long way from committing himself to the marathon .
5 In general we are our own worst enemies when it comes to enlarging and reinforcing our fears , so that what may have begun as a minor apprehension can escalate into a problem of mammoth proportions .
6 ‘ In fact , that 's still what may have happened , is n't it ?
7 I think we should forget about what may have happened in the past and pray for a series which might well become a classic .
8 The children were playing in the room and they could have found it and I dread to think what may have happened .
9 Okay , so what acc what may have accounted for agriculture 's decline in relative terms in world trade ?
10 Nameless Lives : Sir Robert Peel ( 1788-1850 ) , who became Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1812 after Spencer Perceval was assassinated and Lord Liverpool became Prime Minister for what must have felt for ever .
11 And it should be said that , at least outwardly , Murphy and his men retained their charm and their good humour throughout what must have become a harrowing experience .
12 In this one site , conditions allowed a uniquely large proportion to be preserved , but even this is only a hint of what must have existed .
13 The brick built and slated roof mill was built around 1840–41 , in what must have formed part of the garden , and was obviously steam-powered from that date .
14 What must have distinguished him as being beyond normal was his unconventionally high state of consciousness .
15 Angered by what must have seemed a monstrous betrayal , or a display of contemptible cowardice , Simeon turned upon them and persecuted them as traitors .
16 Therefore he had taken what must have seemed an obvious step to protect himself .
17 But the legal tangle surrounding ‘ culpability ’ was never really unravelled : no eye-witnesses , contradictory evidence on possible mechanical faults , discrepancies about the time recorded for the breathalyser test — these factors resulted in Kemp getting away comparatively lightly , being banned from driving for three years only , with what must have seemed to many the derisory fine of only four hundred pounds .
18 Now , however , he , Alfred and their sister Godgifu were abandoned to what must have looked like permanent exile in the Norman court ; Edward was doubtless on his way there when he visited the monastery of St Peter 's Ghent in December 1016 and , according to a charter , promised them English lands should he become king .
19 What must have surprised him , as it still surprises us , was the sheer variety of court life , its different rhythms , its stately ceremonial in buildings still primitive both by Carolingian and later standards , and the unique character bestowed on each court by the personality of its prince .
20 She had decided what must have happened to him , why he was taking so long to return , and why she could never recall his face .
21 ‘ Yes , that 's what must have happened .
22 Ludens , proceeding sedately , worked out what must have happened .
23 They 're still trying to sort out what must have happened .
24 He looks at a wooden fence , a section of which was ripped away when the dead man fell back with the bullet in his heart , and he suggests what must have happened .
25 Studying the fossil record enables us to show what must have happened , but , as Stephen J. Gould has been the most recent to argue , were we to be able to wind the clock of evolution backwards towards the origin of life on earth , and then run it forward once more , quite different outcomes would most likely have occurred ; not only would there probably have been no humans , but perhaps not even any brains .
26 Which is what must have happened to John Russell .
27 Each qualitative foregrounding implicitly begs a question : what should have led the author to express himself in this exceptional way ?
28 What should have happened , perhaps , was for all the actors in this particular drama to have realised the rival groups ' strengths and weaknesses and for senior management to have developed control procedures that divided up responsibilities for the production process in an equitable way .
29 With the benefit of fifteen years ’ experience and from the security of a university in Britain , it is possible to pronounce with considerable confidence upon what should have happened ; to comment owlishly on how untidy and illogical were the processes employed , how more information should have been spelt out with more precision , how more evaluation should have been undertaken sooner , how unreal were our expectations in terms of how quickly and how evenly changes can effectively take place .
30 It was what should have happened to him when he had come in from Athens , and had n't .
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