Example sentences of "what [noun pl] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Such policy simulation forms the basis of the advice that economists give to governments about what policies they should actually undertake .
2 And what misgivings I might have
3 and try and find out what they want and what 's happening to the social services and y you know what they think about er what they 'd , what skills they 'd like you to have and the sort of experience you need and so on .
4 A company requiring someone with organizing skills might ask you what skills you 'll be bringing to the job .
5 If the students are workers , for instance , not raw material , then it makes sense to ask what products they ought to be producing and for whom ; it is possible to work back from this to a process for delivering those products .
6 Then at this juncture here I 'll now nominate what products you 'll be working with and you 'll have these two products throughout today and tomorrow .
7 If the advantages of decentralization of decision making are to be preserved , firms must be able to operate within a set of rules for competition that enable them to identify what strategies are likely to attract scrutiny , and what strategies they can pursue without hindrance .
8 She can note down details of any situation she has difficulty coping with , and just what strategies she used to try to overcome problematic situations .
9 I can not foretell what proposals it will contain , but without an effective ceasefire no one can be deployed .
10 I will look into some rules etc over the next couple of weeks and see what proposals I can come up with .
11 In a joint programme organised by Edinburgh District Council and Lothian Regional Council , older people living in Edinburgh will have the opportunity to say what improvements they would like made to local services .
12 ‘ Our five-point charter covers provision , access , hygiene , design and facilities for parents , ’ she says , ‘ and we want people to tell us what improvements they 'd like . ’
13 And you see what improvements you can get .
14 Erm I 'm not at all certain quite er what will come out of that policy and what savings there will be at the end of that exercise .
15 My mother has fixed ideas about what I should be teaching them , what schools they should attend and the clothes they wear .
16 Have you planned how many we shall have , and what schools they will go to ?
17 Bear in mind what strengths you 've got what strengths you 'd like to have and if you know that you know what to improve and how to improve how to develop those other areas that you 'd like .
18 They forgot briefly that they were having a fight ; instead they had a happy half-hour of fantasy about what books they could write and read and live with .
19 I also enclose a copy of my letter to the Local Government Commission asking for information on what opportunities there will be for Parish Councils to make their views known on any proposed boundary changes .
20 The moral authority of law gets a foothold in the idea that it is rational to give special consideration to views which result from a process of impartial , informed and capable reflection , and this not simply because this process helps us to know more precisely what will promote independently ascertained moral goals but also because it is liable to result in superior judgements about what goals we ought to pursue ( Campbell , 1971 ) .
21 Over the last decade and a half strong ecological conservationist movements have emerged and yet there is still no clear idea of how to deal with the ecological problems , nor of what goals we should set .
22 Jean would appreciate a note from you about what royalties she might expect in the near future , remembering she 's had a 500 advance .
23 And er the question as to what steps we would take , we do n't discuss those , I , but I made quite clear , and I say it again quite simply , the embargo will be enforced , er and there 's no point in people thinking they can burst through it .
24 Well he 's put it on here give me an answer on what steps we should carry out on hopper nineteen .
25 That was the er tells you what channels you can get what you pay for
26 If we were to mount a performance of this ballet , we would know , thanks to the livret , exactly how many dancers were needed and what roles they would play ; the musical forces are , regrettably , another matter .
27 Yes , go through the first five minutes , there were all different tasks , erm , at first , the girls were making up a basic jingle that would be about thirty seconds , and everyone else was looking through to see what words they should use .
28 IF ONLY one side had a clear lead , what parties there would be : parties to welcome home John Major , parties to see off the blasted yoke of Tory rule , parties for the sake of parties .
29 In Welshpool they halted to rest , and make good what losses they could , to dry out their arms and reflight their arrows ; and there was a brief council of war .
30 I do n't know enough actuarial work to be able to and what settlements they should receive , but our own experience is that it 's hard enough to round up pensioners to form an association and we embody deferred pensioners and they 're even harder .
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