Example sentences of "what [pers pn] have see " in BNC.

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1 I speak not only of what I have seen , but of what I have read in your labour statistics .
2 From what I have seen of it so far , it has very little to recommend it .
3 What amazes me is that , in spite of the horrific nature of what I have seen , I feel neither repulsion nor revulsion .
4 But I am convinced — from what I have seen and what my commonsense tells me — that more often than not they simply tilt towards the bait at a slight angle and suck it to their lips from distances up to nine inches , a process of vacuuming which they may repeat several times before attempting to swallow the bait .
5 When I go from hence let this be my parting word , that what I have seen is unsurpassable .
6 As one young manager put it : ‘ The only things I know about the army are what I have seen on television ! ’
7 ‘ But from what I have seen already we have n't had a player like him since Joe Jordan . ’
8 There 's no access here , mainly because of shooting parties from what I have seen .
9 The little shop had been arranged as what I have seen described as a mini-hypermarket , so I found a basket and busied myself with collecting what supplies I thought I might need for the next couple of days .
10 ‘ I 'm most impressed with what I have seen so far , ’ says Lawson .
11 But you see , Kraal , there is always hope , and there are eagles here who may yet learn what I have seen .
12 It is not I but Hywel who is deaf and he has not seen what I have seen .
13 Iii case this book should be read by some fundamentalist searching for straws to prop up his prejudices , let me state categorically that all my experience ( such as it is ) has led me to an unqualified acceptance of evolution by natural selection as a sufficient explanation for what I have seen in the fossil record .
14 ‘ From what I have seen of her , she never will be trained , ’ snapped Teresa Darrell .
15 I could only have believed what I have seen .
16 From what I have seen of Kelly , he has promise , but only 20% of his passes , clearances , crosses go to a Leeds player .
17 ‘ From what I have seen so far Darlington is a very nice town , ’ said Thomas .
18 ‘ From what I have seen so far Darlington is a very nice town , ’ said Thomas .
19 Remember what you have seen when you are fishing .
20 When you are experiencing a certain kind of bite which you are finding difficult to hit , try to relate the bite with what you have seen the chub doing or ; your close season excursions , then decide from there what course of action would be best to hit the fish .
21 what you have seen of bodies and of eyes
22 tell me what you have seen .
23 It is important to observe behaviour as accurately as possible because the more accurate the observation the more this helps you to place a valid interpretation on what you have seen or heard .
24 What you have seen today may well be the best lesson you will ever learn of the difficulties facing us in the outside world .
25 At any point in a video recording you can stop , think about what you have seen , rewind and look at it again if you want to .
26 Finally , for keen gardeners there is the opportunity to recreate at home what you have seen in National Trust gardens .
27 Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown summed up the mood by telling Mr Major : ‘ What you have seen this afternoon is nothing less than the beginning of the end of your premiership .
28 Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown summed up the mood by telling Mr Major : ‘ What you have seen this afternoon is nothing less than the beginning of the end of your premiership .
29 Though in a different way , what we have seen to be true of Gide was also true of Wilde : ‘ running foul of the law in his sexual life was a stimulus to thought on every subject … .
30 It remains for us to ask how the popular Hitler image we have examined contributed towards the growing strength of the regime and towards making possible this war , which , from what we have seen , most Germans — though prepared to fight if necessary — had been only too anxious to avoid .
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