Example sentences of "what [noun sg] does [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What support does your parish community give them ?
2 I mean , is it is it harder for for single women , for lesbian women to get access to the available technology , what experience does anyone have ?
3 What responsibility does it have to try to influence the human outlook ?
4 If the prey obligingly offers itself as an immobilised piece of meat , what advantage does it gain ?
5 Where , what bit does it start off ?
6 What effect does he expect the very welcome news about mortgage interest rates to have on the retail prices index ?
7 With 6,000 manufacturing jobs being lost every week and 1,000 businesses a week going under , what action does he intend to take before more of our industrial capacity is lost altogether ?
8 What action does my right hon. Friend intend to take ?
9 What light does it throw on the extent of public information about parties and programmes , and on the nature of public support for parties ?
10 I 've put so many features on this , but also put a lot of thought into the layout , so it 's easy to see what switch does what .
11 WHY would Hamman possibly do this , and what weight does he think he 'll possibly have in Uefa .
12 Khrushchev 's dry comment on the Soviet lack of ‘ overkill ’ was : ‘ What good does it do to annihilate a country twice ?
13 Dentan cites an informant who asked rhetorically ‘ what good does it do an unhappy person to have another person upset ? ’ ( 1968 : 64 ) .
14 CATHERINE What good does it do , going over it all .
15 What good does it do to knock foreign governments and aid agencies who are at least trying to help ( Keynote and The new missionaries ) ?
16 The question most often asked by those who have heard an explanation of the mechanics of how parliamentary scrutiny works is what influence does it have on the final result — the directive or regulation which becomes Community law .
17 Although the Trojan has been described , sensationally , as ‘ the biggest computer crime in the world , ’ what law does it break ?
18 So what work does he do ?
19 What difference does it make ? ’ frank looked at her out of his sunken eyes .
20 ( from ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ . )
21 The Smiths recorded three John Peel sessions in the preceding months , comprising ‘ This Charming Man ’ , ‘ Handsome Devil ’ , ‘ Reel Around The Fountain ’ , ‘ Back To The Old House ’ , ‘ Still Ill ’ , ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ and ‘ This Night Has Opened My Eyes ’ .
22 January 20 1984 saw the release of ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ .
23 What Difference Does It Make ? ’ was a catch phrase with a catch .
24 What Difference Does It Make ’ led the band neatly into their first major tour .
25 They prefer to play spasmodic gigs in uncomventional places , but in the end … what difference does it make ?
26 In Sounds , the final round-up of the indie singles chart gave the band 's number one and two with ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ and ‘ Heaven Knows I 'm Miserable Now ’ respectively with three other singles ( if you count Sandie Shaw 's little effort ) in the top thirty .
27 What difference does it make ?
28 Who is God and what difference does it make if God is not there ?
29 A losing attitude says , ‘ What difference does it make if I do n't do a job well ? ’
30 What Difference Does It Make ’
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