Example sentences of "what i can [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Kill me if you like , but if you let me live , I 'll do what I can to save you when you 're arrested and brought to trial for piracy . ’
2 I 'll do what I can to sort it out . ’
3 In September 1764 , eighteen months after they first met , Boswell told Johnson in a letter from Saxony , ‘ It shall be my study to do what I can to render your life happy ; and , if you die before me , I shall endeavour to do honour to your memory . ’
4 I want to do what I can to open the gateways , ’ he told New Scientist .
5 But , she resolved , I 'm going to do what I can to put a stop to it .
6 I will do what I can to publicize the true position .
7 I shall certainly do what I can to advance the matter , but I hesitate to say what about the paper , because I do n't think it is an easy thing to cover in a paper .
8 ‘ I am going to do what I can to bang their heads together — but it is , frankly , hard going , ’ he said .
9 I will bring your letter to the attention of the Parish Council at their meeting next week and do what I can to inform any local residents who may be interested .
10 ‘ Still , he thought , I must do what I can to protect the lady , to whom I owe so much , and whom I have certainly , for better , for worse , released from sleep and silence .
11 ‘ I do what I can to help and one day I would really like a shop full of Green products .
12 ‘ They have asked me to do what I can to help and I am happy to do so . ’
13 ‘ I 'm bound to do what I can to help Sam . ’
14 ‘ I 'll obviously do what I can to help , ’ she began , sipping her drink .
15 ‘ Doing what I can to help it off the ground . ’
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