Example sentences of "what [be] call the " in BNC.

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1 This , in theory , is what was supposed to happen in the United Kingdom as regards what are called the ‘ Cinderella services ’ .
2 Leaving Joy to help Miss Prescott with what are called the last offices ( Joy is also a trained nurse ) , Alan and I went back to the house and between us brought the coffin down from the loft .
3 The second influence on individuals ' social power is what are called the bases they have to draw on .
4 ‘ Over here , ’ Hamish said , plodding towards another table , ‘ we have what are called the passivation glasses , related to the Borate glasses but made from zinc-silicoborate … ’
5 And although these exceptions will grow with the introduction and development of Executive Agencies , the overwhelming majority of what are called the appropriation accounts are in a form prescribed by the Treasury .
6 Of course he is right on his serious point about debt and that is why my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has been so energetic in pressing what are called the Trinidad terms to enable the poorest countries of the world to benefit from those terms .
7 My Lord it is pleaded as being a matter of er common practice amongst solicitors in this kind of situation er for such advice to be given and my Lord er if you turn to the folio of their particulars erm which were given I think it 's the final book , what are called the voluntary further and better particulars which in fact were the final particulars er given towards the end of the bundle of documents .
8 What we do n't know is how much above the capping level we might be able to spend because we do n't yet know what are called the deminimus provisions .
9 In that year comparisons of Eliot with Pound were stimulated , and exacerbated , by the publication of what were called the ‘ drafts and transcripts ’ of The Waste Land ; that is to say , the heterogeneous packet of typescripts and manuscripts which Eliot had dumped on Pound in Paris , out of which Pound had helped Eliot to extricate the poem that for forty years had been known under that title .
10 It would , by implication , be one of five constituent parts of the Indochinese Federation — which meant that Vietnam itself would be divided into three parts — and they , together with other parts of what were called the ‘ French Community ’ would form a French Union .
11 We have what 's called the Enemy Aircraft Flight where the Luftwaffe tests captured British and American planes of every kind .
12 Choreographers should understand that counting beats or what is called the measure of the music is not dance rhythm .
13 The constant use of what is called the ‘ feminine cadence ’ is a particular rhythmic feature .
14 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
15 What is called the ‘ aesthetic attitude ’ or interest in an object , is sometimes described as ‘ disinterested interest ’ .
16 This was the issue of the steadily rising costs for what is called the ‘ back end ’ of the uranium fuel cycle — the reprocessing of spent fuel , the handling of wastes at the Sellafield works and the dismantling of the reactors at the end of their lives .
17 There have been moments during the argument in this case when it appeared to be suggested that the court had to do with a grave case involving what is called the right of public meeting .
18 But it was getting out of those beta-waves , down into the alpha-waves and into what is called the fifth state of consciousness — the healing state — that was so difficult .
19 The natural physiological mechanisms put us in a state of alert and prepare us for what is called the fight-or-flight response .
20 There is little said about what is called the messianic role of TM in the book , apart from a token two pages .
21 Scientific Systems makes what is called the Exploded View Computer , a £150 machine which displays its workings on a board of coloured lights .
22 A two-year research project has produced what is called the home bus system , a set of standards for wiring up the home with coaxial cable .
23 Roith is particularly proud of what is called the teaching company scheme .
24 In what is called the Coriolis effect , the northward moving sea water is pushed to its right , while the southward fresh water moves to its right .
25 The cruise missile , 6.4 m long and weighing 1207 kg at the start of its flight , steadily drones at 880 km/hr toward what is called the initial timing control point .
26 Hypnosis takes place in what is called the Alpha state ( the subconscious mind ) .
27 What is called the ‘ moral sense ’ is on this account being able to recognize that if , even against my present will , I let myself become aware of how someone in trouble feels , I would be moved to help , and that I ought not to close myself to this awareness .
28 Around this swathing , for about two-thirds of the length of the trunk from the hips upward , were several turns of a well-made twisted cord , fastened in what is called the half-hitch , in good preservation . ’
29 In this country civil litigation is based on what is called the adversarial system , and this means the court only decides issues presented by the parties .
30 In engineering it is usual to test materials for toughness by means of a routine impact test of what is called the ‘ Izod ’ type .
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