Example sentences of "what [pron] want [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But what I want to draw attention to here is the failure to understand that past social beliefs were formed within the context of false beliefs about the biological relation of woman and man .
2 What I want to grieve is the old Maurice before he was laid so humiliatingly low by whatever it was — a stroke , a deprivation of oxygen , an act of God — we 'll never know .
3 What I want to point out by this example is that the nature of a solution is determined by the prior definition of the problem that goes with it .
4 The literal and metaphorical juxtaposition of drama and game is what I want to explore here .
5 What I want to explore in the next chapter , then , is the question of the cultural boundaries between different subjects .
6 What I want to spend a few minutes on again this is something we 'll test tomorrow , right so I 'm giving you , training 's all about doing what do you think ?
7 What I want to ask you is , in your last film , Young Toscanini , you played an opera singer — which opera singer did you base your character on ?
8 Now on the management charge which is what I want to ask you about , cos that 's what you 've said in the brochure , on the management charge , did you deliberately set the management charge too low to hook the punters ?
9 Speaker you are aware of course of the severe weather which affects most of the country and what I want to ask you Madam Speaker is simply this .
10 What I want to ask is , firstly , who are you funded by , and these teams , I note erm paragraphs three erm these nurses and so on , are they existing staff , or is this a new team , erm management team which has been set up at yet more expense to the health authority ?
11 Somewhat perversely , however , what I want to retain from Adorno , and from his consistent reproach , is the centrality of difference as negation rather than as variation : a difference which is not ‘ indifferent ’ , but in which something is at stake ; and a difference , more difficultly , which is not solely dependent on what Raymond Williams somewhere calls ‘ the more negotiable process of consumption ’ .
12 What I want to go on to discuss in the , in the last part of the lecture is another way in which Freud 's work looks , looks backwards , or seems to look backwards .
13 It 's important for me to understand my heritage and culture , but it 's not what I want to go ramming down everybody 's throats .
14 That 's what I want to see happen in this country and I want to do it . ’
15 ‘ When I think of the past , ’ she said , ‘ I see what I want to see . ’
16 ‘ Coleraine showed that things can be achieved if you 're prepared to battle and that 's what I want to see us doing tomorrow . ’
17 ‘ There are more Senior tournaments in the pipeline , but what I want to see are more National Open championships .
18 That s what I want to see .
19 What I want to see ? ’ he echoed .
20 What I want to see is the woman you should be — the one you were born to be .
21 And that 's what I want to see happen . ’
22 What I want to argue now is that there is a sense in which the symptom of this pessimism exist in the movement itself .
23 But what I want to echo is what Elean said about respecting each others work and respecting each others visions .
24 I think it 's what I 'm aiming for , what I want to say about myself . ’
25 I feel I can encapsulate the feeling in the music and then say what I want to say in a direct manner .
26 Sometimes he finds it hard to understand what I want to say , but he does n't mind how long he waits while I repeat it , and he always understands in the end .
27 ‘ I know what I want to say but I am not a millionaire and can not afford to see my family dragged into that kind of thing , ’ he said .
28 ‘ I 'm just a regular brother who had a chance to say what I want to say , ’ he insists .
29 And here I come to the crux of what I want to say .
30 What I want to say is this , there was a misunderstanding .
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