Example sentences of "what [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Thus there developed what became to be known as the War of the Roses , which raged on and off from 1455 to 1485 .
2 With that lovely sated feeling inside me , I packed the War Bag and went wearily home , thinking what had happened over in my mind , trying to figure out the whys and wherefores , see what lessons were to be learned , what signs to be read in it all .
3 It must be said , however , that despite the beautiful detail of Piaget 's behavioural descriptions , his picture of the mental reorganizations underlying behavioural change was painted with a very broad brush ( by present-day standards ) ; and indeed the assimilation-accommodation model is little more than a description of what has to be explained , awaiting , what we now call , a ‘ computational model ’ .
4 What you need to do is to involve people so they know what has to be done and plan it as far ahead as possible to minimise the impact .
5 In practical terms an experienced camper is obvious ; there is no need to issue orders , each knows what has to be done and when , without debate .
6 No mention of what has to be taken out to make the bubbles ‘ natural ’ .
7 We do not really have to think about what has to be done .
8 They had made the more usually British mistake of asking ‘ What shall we do ? ’ rather than the standard American approach of ‘ What has to be done to achieve our objectives ? ’
9 The suppression of the truth is always a serious matter because what has to be substituted in its place can do even more damage .
10 Ludens , I 'm in love , I 'm desperate with love , I 'm sunk in it , I 'm ruthless , I feel as fierce as hell about this , I could kill anyone who stands in the way , I must have both of them , and I will , all right it may look like a battlefield , but what has to be done has to be done now and like this .
11 How far is too far is what has to be decided .
12 Contained in the DNA are ‘ library rules ’ dictating what has to be done for the instructions for a particular protein to be taken out and ‘ read ’ .
13 What has to be examined is transferable expertise , both in the practical and the theoretical senses of the term .
14 ‘ IF you liked Planes , Trains and Automobiles — you 'll love this , ’ says the cover of what has to be the most banal video of the month .
15 A good application form can be helpful but what has to be considered is whether it stops the candidate from expressing him/herself .
16 What has to be considered is whether this is really in everyone 's interest .
17 The domestic empiricist is not concerned with the generalities or principles underlying the cooker or the car ; he or she sees what has to be done to achieve a desired end and that is that .
18 What has to be shown he said , is that by deliberate acts the court order has been defied and broken and accordingly a contempt of court has taken place .
19 What has to be , has to be .
20 I accept that this is quite a basic and simplistic way of expressing what has to be a deep and complex theory , but the story of Martin may provide more clues .
21 It ultimately means helping counsellees to look at their current self-image , and deciding how this can be improved or modified , and what has to be done in order to do so .
22 Sometimes this is no more than a description of what has to be done but sometimes it incorporates how the operator does it or should do it .
23 What has to be described is the sort of thing which Europeans took for granted as they went about their daily lives .
24 The difficulty , then , with all the cases I have discussed — and with a large number of other disputes of a like kind — is that each side argues past the other by assuming the truth of what has to be proved .
25 The prime minister , Constantine Mitsotakis , almost certainly understands what has to be done .
26 As Wittgenstein put it : ‘ What has to be accepted , the given , is — so one could say — forms of life . ’
27 What has to be recognized , though , is that to a large extent , consumers select the stimuli to which they will respond .
28 What has to be done , then , to discover whether the advertisement is in line with the strategy , almost inevitably involves a form of cheating .
29 I take it that these are essential to capitalist society and that what has to be explained are their precise bases , their degree of effectivity and their often largely unintended consequences .
30 What has to be determined here is — to whom did this order refer ?
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