Example sentences of "will be their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Having made what they hope will be their final change , David Egerton for Phil Davies at No. 8 , they had a light run-out at a ground next door to Parc des Princes last night and will have another this morning .
2 It will be their toughest test so far . ’
3 3 After 3 days absence , the employee is required to contact the department , as it will be their 4th day without contact .
4 For others it will be their first attempt .
5 It will be their first meeting with Mr Lamont since the Treasury select committee report into BCCI was published .
6 They are regularly invited abroad , but this will be their first ever visit to the UK , and they are coming exclusively to us .
7 So the decisive factor in the election will be their promised or implicit allocation of government jobs along regional or ethnic lines , known as ‘ zoning ’ , and the backing of the big power-brokers in Nigerian politics , many of whom have been disqualified from running themselves .
8 But — Johnsen is an excellent player : he has — great — speed ( if he make it to Leeds i reckon he will be their fastest player along with Wallace — he might actually be faster than W. ) , he is technically good , good ‘ nuff in the air — but his great force is that he can be used almost everywhere on the field .
9 Like the Grumman biplanes , all the 262s will be built to airworthy standards and the only deviation from the original plans will be their General Electric J–85 engines , which will fit into the engine cowlings without altering their contours .
10 It will be their aesthetic appreciation , economic system and technological abilities which will be the real determinants on any settlement changes that take place as a result of exploiting the new material .
11 Er M My Lords , there are two things , one is that if it 's an R E specialists of course it will be their primary subject .
12 But the party 's only contact with its members is the workplace , and after the elections they will be their only source of power .
13 ’ group ’ does not include shareholders if , for the disposer , this is their only relationship with the company or , for an acquiror , this will be their only relationship .
14 Seven Hatfield and Hemel Hempstead members attended the Lilleshall course and thought Ann Langford 's and Joan Gatfield 's classes excellent ; they look forward already to next year — which for some will be their tenth visit .
15 He said Scarborough fully intend to get promoted next season in what will be their sixth year as a Football League club .
16 If the Raiders lose to the New York Jets at the Meadowlands on Monday night , it will be their worst start since 1964 .
17 They 've also asked that I should put a drawing of this scheme which they have sent to me in the May edition of the Bramley , with an article from them , explaining it , asking for comments from the public , and this will be their public consultation exercise .
18 Many elderly people have a wide range of interests , maintain them — if only through reading — right on into old age , and still enjoy the cut and thrust of discussion and debate ; but we have to accept the fact that for some , the main topics of conversation will be their own and other people 's health , past reminiscences , and family matters .
19 Frequently , all that they will have to guide them through the recommendations of officials will be their own political common sense ; this may well be adequate for a strong minister , but others may find it hard to change the bureaucracy 's course .
20 For many residents it will be their last home .
21 ‘ It will be one of the top 25 meetings in the world this year and will attract all the top athletes before the Olympic Games because it will be their last big test before Barcelona , ’ said Andy Norman , the British Amateur Athletic Board promotions officer .
22 Milan are now the richest , the biggest club in the world , and if they defeat Marseille in Munich next Wednesday it will be their third success since their benefactor entered the San Siro .
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