Example sentences of "will tell [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher will have to be satisfied with the assurances she will receive from Mr Bush , who will tell her that , since defence cuts are politically inevitable , it is far better for modest and planned reductions to be proposed by his cabinet and the Pentagon than for swingeing cuts to be imposed by the US Congress , which is already chafing at the thought of the US budget deficit being deepened to pay for the defence of the wealthy Europeans .
2 If these claims fail , others who should be protecting her interests will tell her that she contributed to the situation by being in male territory .
3 Er first of all you will tell them that we want a contract .
4 He will tell them that the proposal has caused great alarm and anxiety , and will ask the company to examine alternative ways of improving the efficiency of its limestone transport system , possibly with a conveyor system .
5 He will tell them that the fight for Albion is the fight for Britain 's manufacturing base and that the plant 's plight clearly highlights the need for Government action and an active industrial policy .
6 You will tell him that it must be in secret and that it is very , very important .
7 Councillors and officials will tell him that Orkney could have faced a disaster if the Bettina Danica had been a tanker .
8 Well he said a telephone call will just will tell him that wo n't he ?
9 Brahe works on the CERN accelerator ( which the novel assumes to be completed and functioning ) ; his experiment involves close and constant watching of the monitor which will tell him when the ‘ event ’ has taken place .
10 You will tell me that the milkman has refused to continue deliveries , but this only adds weight to my earlier submission that the boat is not only unfit to live in but actually unsafe . "
11 ‘ And you will tell me as soon as you have news ? ’
12 The doctors will tell me if I get ill .
13 You will tell me if you find it was murder and give me the name of the murderer .
14 I regret that I can not quote the Minister exactly , but I am sure that he will tell me if my paraphrase is inaccurate .
15 ‘ You will tell me if you learn anything significant ?
16 That 's what Boz will tell me if I tackle him , Seb .
17 One of the difficulties that actually struck me last night about an organization like A B S A is that how wide , and in fact I 've got something in my filing cabinet next door which will tell me if I looked it up , how wide is the umbrella of the arts because we do n't have anything similar for sport , we do n't have anything specific
18 When it gets out of control , no matter how successful we are in the eyes of other people , in our heads that critical voice will tell us that we have failed .
19 Driving instructors will tell us that if a cat or dog strays into our path , and we are unable to stop or otherwise avoid it in an orderly fashion , then we should run it down .
20 No doubt the Minister will tell us that safeguards were built into system when income support was increased to cover the 20 per cent .
21 I 'm sure someone will tell us that Wetherall had a great game ( he must have — look at the result ! ) but surely Roecastle would have been a better bet ( or even Hodge ? ) .
22 And there are those who will tell us that really it 's not one parable , it 's three parables and there 's some who think it 's , no it 's , really it 's , it 's it 's just the one parable with these three little sa , parts of it .
23 And then everything in our area erm no They will send hundred mile area , our address to these people and they will tell us that they 'll send to these people so we then contact the people as well .
24 and this is a solemn 's teaching of God 's word , the bible nowhere teaches the doctrine of universalism , that everybody 's gon na go to heaven , it does n't teach that , it does n't say and it does not teach that ultimately every body will be saved , there are plenty of those around who 'd teach that today , but the bible does n't teach that there are those who will tell us that the sinner and the saint , the man who has no thought of God or no love for God and the Christian that all be gathered together on the final day , you all have another chance , Jesus never said that , the bible does n't teach that , it 's quite unscriptural .
25 The Edinburgh Summit will tell us whether it has a real will to succeed .
26 General personality traits emerge from this , which will tell us whether we are dealing with individuals who will tend to cope with problems optimistically or pessimistically ; whether they are hopeful or depressive ; whether they are extrovert or introvert , and so on .
27 If we are trying to understand why different animals behave differently , the value of the heritability of the behaviour in question will tell us whether one possible factor — genetic variation — is at work .
28 Perhaps he will tell us whether that is ’ sweatshop ’ investment .
29 Perhaps the hon. Member for Sedgefield will tell us whether he approves of that development .
30 I hope that the Secretary of State for Wales will tell us whether the rumours are correct that this week — perhaps tomorrow — the Government will make statements on local government finance for 1992-93 .
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