Example sentences of "will be [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 You will be listening to many of these as the election approaches as they are a wonderful invention of the broadcasting industry : a reporter stands alone with just a small tape recorder to protect him and leaps out in front of unsuspecting members of the public asking them an inane question .
2 ‘ We will be listening to him in the wings every night . ’
3 In eight years , such optimists claim , China will be adjusting to Hong Kong , rather than vice versa .
4 He worries that as a result the net effect of propagating WABI will be damaging to the whole Unix business .
5 The prospects for establishing bad faith are very limited however , given that virtually any policy that is premised on increasing profits but which will be damaging to employees , such as a plant closure , can be portrayed as being beneficial to the employees in general , for example by making other jobs in the company more secure , thus supporting the claim that employee interests have been sufficiently considered .
6 ‘ Basically we 've looked and said there 's no reason for any knee-jerk reaction or across-the-board actions here , ’ Collis said , adding that Dell will be sticking to its own price timetable .
7 We will be sticking to our guns . ’
8 Oh no er necessarily not , because er depending on the details of the er formula that all the words that er come out of the discussions today , er it 's got to be discussed by the members at grass-roots level , and if we 're not happy with it , we will be sticking to the action er certainly up until when the ballot is taken and if it is voted against er any deal that is struck at the moment , we will continue the action , and I think this will be not only in Oxfordshire , but up and down the country , the strength of feeling nationally is very strong .
9 But Dr. Blain-Thomson will be seeing to that . "
10 Patterned on what athletes will be wearing to the 11th Asian Games in Peking next year , it includes sportswear , jackets and close-fitting suits : ‘ The vigorous clothes will help build the atmosphere of the Asian Games and encourage people to get more exercise to promote health , ’ the agency predicted .
11 Er will be spreading to the er , other parts of county , as well .
12 On Saturday , the environmental campaigners will be taking to the streets of Colchester to urge furniture buyers to boycott stores which stock products made of mahogany .
13 Eight hundred competitors will be taking to the water this weekend for the annual River Wye raft race .
14 Some of the world 's finest vintage aircraft will be taking to the skies at a display this weekend .
15 This weekend , top harmonica player Brendan Power and guitarist Frank Kilkelly will be taking to the stage , at around 8pm .
16 Now this weekend , three firemen from Didcot will be taking to a bicycle to cycle the length of the Ridgeway .
17 Also I have a job at Leeds University teaching French , which I enjoy , so Eric will be commuting to Manchester .
18 We have another Baptismal Service planned for 13 December when six people will be testifying to their faith in Christ .
19 WEST : New voices and opinions will be vying to be heard in Westminster now the Conservatives ' grip on the region has been eased slightly , especially by the defeat of the Tory chairman , Mr Patten , in Bath , writes Paul Stokes .
20 Those interested in arresting the shelving of direct ministerial responsibility for these sites should write to their MPs , asking why it was , in 1883 , that the inspector was responsible directly to the minister whilst , in 1983 , there will be no inspectors as such and those responsible will be reporting to a quango .
21 And there will be opportunities to apply for support from the British Film Institute and elsewhere erm in order that we can expand er what we 're doing in that area and I , I just wanted to let the board know about that and to say that erm er this is the route that I 'm currently taking and erm I will be reporting to them when there are specific developments and that I hope that you approve of er me attempting to expand our provision in this area .
22 We will hopefully be informing people about Oxford against the Poll Tax , which is you know very important at this time with Poll Tax bills being sent out next week and it will be hoping to basically raise the profile of the campaign with the elections in mind .
23 A third of the transport fleet from RAF Lyneham will be flying to and from Saudi Arabia , carrying supplies for RAF Tornadoes .
24 Gloucester 's pack will be aiming to steamroller their way to success .
25 Gloucester 's pack will be aiming to steamroller their way to success .
26 Mr Hurd needs no minders , but the 60 Tory MPs who declined to support Mrs Thatcher for leader last week , plus MEPs , this week 's Lords report and many industrialists will be looking to him for a more emollient performance in difficult circumstances .
27 Mr Hurd needs no minders , but the 60 Tory MPs who declined to support Mrs Thatcher for leader last week , plus MEPs , this week 's Lords report and many industrialists will be looking to him for a more emollient performance in difficult circumstances .
28 Oxford will be looking to Richard Montgomerie to consolidate his promise of last season , when he averaged 33.33 .
29 Blackburn were the only top-six team to record a victory on Saturday and will be looking to further advance their Championship claims .
30 Somerset 's new director of coaching , Bob Cottam , will be looking to him to provide the stability and experience which will complement the emergent talents of bowlers like Caddick and Van Troost .
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