Example sentences of "will [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 HARRY HOOPER is Secretary of the U.K. Branch of the I.W.L.S. He will be pleased to forward information on the society to potential members .
2 HARRY HOOPER is Secretary of the U.K. Branch of the I.W.L.S. He will be pleased to forward information on the society to potential members .
3 HARRY HOOPER is secretary of the U.K. Branch of the I.W.L.S. he will be pleased to forward information on the society to potential members .
4 Erm , that concludes the business of the extraordinary general meeting erm , thank you very much for attending and making it a lively meeting and , erm , my colleagues and I will be pleased to , erm meet you in the foyer er , where refreshments are being served .
5 His captain , Gooch , thinks highly of the 21-year-old from Watford and his continuing fitness will be crucial to Essex hopes of retaining the county championship .
6 Andrew McGee reviews the debate over the meaning of the true and fair view , arguing that the development of a better understanding of its significance and content will be crucial to the survival of the current scheme of financial reporting .
7 The London area plays a pivotal role in national migration patterns ( Flowerdew and Salt , 1979 ; Salt and Flowerdew , 1980 ) , so policy developments relating to south-east England over the next few years will be crucial to the way in which urban and regional patterns of population distribution evolve in the foreseeable future .
8 The match at the Manor Ground will be crucial to United 's hopes of staying in Division One .
9 There is a fourth division , of grooms and gardeners , which is literally off the map ; it is above the stables where , Kerr advises , smells should be prevented , although the men themselves will be indifferent to them .
10 In particular most people will be unused to the assessing the impact of percentage changes in traffic on existing roads or of weighing them against the environmental costs of the new road .
11 However , the use of pig fat in the enfleurage process will be off-putting to the vegetarian who may have to forgo the pleasures of jasmine and tuberose or track down a supplier of the even more elusive vegetable oil absolutes .
12 One young wife described the problem in terms which will be recognizable to many young newly-weds :
13 Triflex uses a 64-bit processor bus and 128-bit memory bus together with the 32-bit EISA input-output bus and reckons that this will be key to getting full performance out of the new processor .
14 But as for the long-term , he acknowledges that non-IBM sales will be key to Havant 's success , and says that he hopes to see half of the plant 's output going to new customers .
15 As my hon. Friend the Member for Lancaster ( Dame E. Kellett-Bowman ) said , they will be intelligible to those who read them .
16 Some people do n't mind answering machines , I must say , I 'm beginning to get used to them now , I think the problem is that it sort of wrong-foots you , so you get an answering machine , and think ‘ Oh my God ’ , and you know that in about a few seconds time , when you hear that bleep , you 've got to give a concise message which will be intelligible to the person when they replay it , so instead of coming out with sort of babble , you 're forced into thinking what the essence of the message is that you want to leave .
17 There are many more tickets available and Joan Daniels will be delighted to be inundated with requests for them .
18 Mercer added : ‘ We are one of six clubs in the Premier Division whose shirt sponsorship deal expires at the end of the season and I will be delighted to be able to make an announcement about this in the near future . ’
19 It will be comforting to me at any rate personally to know that even so eminent a , a , er an ornament of the present administration as my Noble Friends also found these th th this material a matter for stumbling and was not perhaps inclined to give it a crown of lucidity .
20 The steady injection into the wider culture of such a questioning and critical element will be uncomfortable to society .
21 So much will be strange to it ; strange sights , strange sounds , strange everything .
22 Those on the input will be similar to what the standard Buck topology requires ; those on the output(s) could be made smaller , though the reduction is limited by the need to keep enough capacitance to absorb fast load transients .
23 If airlines can fly wherever and whenever they want to after the EC 's liberalisation of aviation , experience will be similar to that of the United States , where empirical work suggests the market is ‘ imperfectly contestable ’ .
24 However , it is envisaged that technical guidance will be given in an Approved Document , which will be available when the act comes into force — this will be similar to the procedure adopted with the Building Regulations .
25 Where the operation has been performed but some degree of brain damage has occurred , the child will be similar to one with cerebral palsy .
26 I have personally received an assurance from the AAA General Committee that the management powers granted to road running will be similar to those given to cross-country , including control over championships and team selection etc .
27 Euro-dollar business booked in IBFs while not strictly ‘ foreign ’ will be similar to business booked in foreign branches of US banks in London or elsewhere .
28 Any clinical examination required will be similar to that carried out by the ordinary GP .
29 Temperatures will be similar to yesterday 's generally .
30 The format of the seminar will be similar to last year with speakers to include Trisha Whitfield and Diane Bennett , plus two optional lectures , one by Ann Brown of Posh Frocks and the other for Passap owners .
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