Example sentences of "will [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
2 Presenting the target stimulus in a new context will eliminate some sources of internal input to the stimulus .
3 It is possible that in the course of time scientific advance will be able to offer at least an hypothesis which will throw some light on the mystery of the origin of the universe and give substance to the belief that life , in some form or other , does have an ineradicable and eternal place in the universe .
4 I have to see if this key fits the deposit box and if there 's anything there which will throw some light on my family . ’
5 Perhaps that envelope Dowd brought round will answer some questions . ’
6 and he 's like going oh what you gon na do then poof and he goes I will look like I 'm scraping my knee , nuts him in the balls , and then goes and I will knock some dust off my shoulder like
7 Hopefully the Unix industry will make some kind of manly showing .
8 I believe that if I have one person in each branch whom I can support and direct to implement the branch recruitment strategy we will make some progress .
9 I believe that if I have one person in each branch whom I can support and direct to implement the branch recruitment strategy we will make some progress .
10 ‘ Ah , these girls will make some man happy , ’ McQuaid said .
11 Every Lord Chancellor , especially if he holds office as long as did Halsbury , will make some mistakes ( and Heuston suggests that as many as three of the six were ‘ unlucky ’ appointments ) but Halsbury 's experience may suggest that the proportion of bad appointments is likely to be statistically higher amongst appointments made from the Lord Chancellor 's political associates .
12 ‘ Sergeant Jennings here will make some tea , then she 'll stay with you while Mr Morgan and I go over to the stables .
13 In conclusion I will make some comments on the requisites for effective rules relating to the control of armed conflicts .
14 In any event , the vendor will want some assurance guaranteeing the basis on which central charges will be allocated to the business .
15 each district , Metropolitan District and County District will want some freedom to determine its figures .
16 It is hoped that initially the client will experience some anxiety with each target and learn to cope with this effectively , but that over five attempts of this target this anxiety will drop to a minimum .
17 However effective their communicating skills , it is highly probable that they will experience some problems in the course of adjusting to a new environment such as a hospital .
18 ‘ Speciality ’ products — asphalts , lubricants and liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ) will experience some growth .
19 Even the briefest survey of the physical facts underlying reproduction will convey some idea of the complexity of the process , from the formation of egg and sperm , their meeting in fertilization , to the development of the embryo in the uterus .
20 This will convey some impression of the philosophy and practice of user education in UK higher education libraries , while illuminating some of the problems that have exercised ( and continue to exercise ) the minds of the librarians and research workers in this field .
21 Here , almost for the first time I can remember on disc , his vibrato , relatively rapid and even , becomes distracting in sustained passages , which will trouble some ears more than others .
22 In this section we will describe some ways in which the choices involved in applying the B & B method may be resolved .
23 In practice , as between members of a firm , these rules will undergo some variation .
24 The majority of patients in a surgical ward will undergo some sort of operative procedure during their stay in hospital .
25 Before we consider why processing load might be greater at the end of a clause than at the beginning , we will discuss some experiments which have been carried out on reading , from which a similar pattern has emerged .
26 We will discuss some methods of achieving this in Chapter 10 .
27 It is hoped that this introduction to measures which will help control infection in the mortuary setting will stimulate some thought among managers , consultant pathologists , and others who may be involved in the provision of a mortuary service .
28 And hopefully that will stimulate some discussion .
29 Beginning from a zero rate , a small increase in the tax rate will yield some tax revenue .
30 First , by spending less on goods and services , the government will free some resources which can now be used by the private sector .
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