Example sentences of "will [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 For the rest of the year , Dataquest counts on recession to put a damper on growth , and it forecasts that shipment growth rates will slow to an average 13% to 14% for the full year , while total revenue increases very slightly .
2 As predicted ( UX No 418 ) , the machines are to be manufactured by Minneapolis , Minnesota-based Tricord Systems Inc which will offer them as its K2 series , though Sequent has exclusive distribution rights for NT versions of the systems , which will ship with a ‘ Sequent skin . ’
3 Thus Thoroughbreds , Arabians , Shetlands , and so on , will prefer as a companion a member of their own breed .
4 At the other extreme , Prof Patrick Minford believes that most of the UK 's problems are cyclical and will disappear as a spontaneous recovery takes root , filling the Chancellor 's coffers with tax revenues and creating new jobs , so long as the Chancellor has continued to keep inflation under control .
5 ‘ On 14 October 1991 the Children Act 1989 is going to become effective and , when that takes place , I very much hope that the adversarial approach to care proceedings will disappear to a very large extent .
6 ‘ Unless Borders councillors start resisting blanket forestry it is no exaggeration to suggest the Borders hills will disappear under a new wave of tree planting before very long . ’
7 MY work has been written in sand and after my death will disappear in a decade or so , ’ wrote August Bournonville ( 1805–79 ) , the Danish choreographer whose ballets are still in the repertory , and whom the Danes have been celebrating with yet another Bournonville festival in Copenhagen .
8 If the symptoms are of the remedy they will disappear in a few days and no more medicine may be needed .
9 If we are not careful the innovation for which the UK has been famous will disappear in a headlong rush to maximise shareholder returns .
10 ‘ No , Sir John , he did not , as I will explain in a while .
11 Now it it just possible and I will explain in a moment why , that the necessity to avoid the greenbelt may not be exactly the same as being beyond the outer boundary of the York greenbelt .
12 The hay fever season in Britain will lengthen as a result of global warming , according to a study by Dr Timothy Rich , a plants and vegetation consultant .
13 China says it wants to ensure its receiving equipment can pick up signals from Spot , which will transmit at a similar frequency to the thematic mapper .
14 He recommends that you add up approximately how many tokens you think your child will earn in a typical day if he/she does the little chores you require and behaves in the manner you are trying to encourage .
15 Norwich will testify to a victory hard won .
16 I know it will hurt for a little while , but I 'll get better , so why worry ?
17 According to American projections , these actions will compensate for a 15 per cent increase in emissions of carbon .
18 Thus , the US Administration 's contention that its planned reductions in CFCs will compensate for a failure to set emission targets for the main greenhouse gas , carbon dioxide , now appears less defensible .
19 Sure erm no amount of audience contact will compensate for a boring subject .
20 Mention the word ‘ contented ’ to many people , and they will think of a lazy diner , relaxing after a satisfying meal and announcing that they feel ‘ contented ’ ; others will recall the advertisements for evaporated milk , which ‘ came from contented cows ’ .
21 ‘ We will discuss this later , ’ he said , ‘ and we will think of a way to build trust between us .
22 This statement should include a description of the basic organizational character , policies , values , and priorities that will exist as a result of the transformational change .
23 Mont Blanc , to be sure , has existed for a long time , and probably will exist for a while yet , but it does not work to stay in existence .
24 This will affect English teaching , since English will exist in a still richer linguistic and cultural context .
25 The alarm will trigger in a central control point and the people there will either ring a neighbour to ask them to go and see what the problem is , or immediately ring the emergency services .
26 But they might find it difficult to take a back seat and Whitehall believes that criminal intelligence will evolve into a top detective agency with an operational arm .
27 OSF mapped out Motif 's future : it plans to start work on the Next Generation User Interface by 1993 , which will evolve into a fully object-oriented use interface by 1995 .
28 I believe that the extra powers will evolve into a significant additional step .
29 A population of animals will evolve to an ESS and then remain there : we should expect to see animals in nature behaving according to an ESS .
30 Since the standards will be used to form the basis of Vocational Qualifications throughout the UK , it will mean that all training qualifications will relate to a common framework for the first time .
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