Example sentences of "would [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With a cash transfer the recipient of government assistance would attain a welfare level as shown by .
2 This could only mean that , in time , India would attain a status equal to that of the white dominions .
3 The prime minister , Mr Felipe Gonzalez , indicated that talks would remain a possibility until ETA carried out its next terrorist attack .
4 Even if it were possible to model accurately the supply and demand responses to changes in taxes and transfer or benefit provisions of all kinds , it would remain a GNP or market calculation .
5 Confined to their present role , trade unions would remain a response to the exploitation , actual or hypothetical , of employees by employers — a response which meritocratic benevolence would , if performance matched intention , progressively reduce to a satisfied silence .
6 Under this Mrs Thatcher and Dr FitzGerald agreed that Northern Ireland would remain a part of the United Kingdom according to the wishes of its majority , but that ministers from Britain and the Republic would meet regularly to review political and security aspects .
7 In contrast to earlier fears that the ‘ special relationship ’ might have been in jeopardy , he said he had no doubt that the president would remain a friend of Britain and that the relationship between the pair could not be more easy .
8 My right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General has made it clear that the law is not suspended and therefore it would remain a matter for local authorities if they wished to bring actions .
9 Yet , until that capacity could be built , it seemed , power cuts in winter would remain a fact of life .
10 But sometimes mysteries are more intriguing than explanations , and the swans on the blue lake , like the creatures on the golden cloud , would remain a mystery for ever in Little Billy 's memory .
11 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
12 But though the intention will be to curb the power of union leaders wielding hundreds of thousands of block votes , Mr Whitty emphasised that Labour would remain a trade union-based party .
13 The self-appointed executive council of the " autonomous region " of Krajina adopted on March 16 a formal decision to break away from Croatia permanently , but declared that it would remain a constituent element of the Yugoslav federation .
14 They would go to a hospital where they would throw a dice .
15 Very occasionally a small child would throw a tantrum when denied something , and it would be described as chan .
16 You could see them squatting on their hams silhouetted around bonfires ; sometimes one of the figures would throw a lump of dried buffalo-dung on to the flames .
17 She would be the first to know , then he would throw a party to tell his friends who had graduated from the Red Army Academy with him the previous year .
18 Now they became the precious material for the new sciences of ethnology and prehistory ; they were priceless documents which , once deciphered , would throw a flood of light on human evolution and progress .
19 At the same time Fastolf s attitude to the practicalities of war reflect a hardheadedness which was essentially of this world : the plan which he drew up in 1435 favouring a ‘ tough ’ approach to the war made little concession to romantic ideas of chivalry which would influence a knight 's conduct in war .
20 But in a pragmatist society he would have to predict whether the judges would be likely to consider his case as one in which the virtues of predictability were less important than the substance of the law , and whether , if they thought substance more important , they would think a decision for him better or worse for the community .
21 For example , the small cell was so amply used in the classical period that one would think a composer of originality would have looked for something different .
22 As to whether change is necessary or not one can not help pay some regard of that phenomenon of the post war world , Japan : If time travel was a fact and it was possible to transport someone from the middle of the social scale of Victorian Britain to the present time , he would think a revolution had taken place ; but the basic ground rules of social life and commerce would shortly become comprehensible to him .
23 She resembles what a producer of The Bill would think a jazz singer would look like .
24 And as the kind of girls you seem to prefer would think a job like mine utterly boring , I do n't see how you can possibly say I 'm just like them .
25 I would think a lot of the money is actually in property already or she 's got to have it in property
26 Undoubtedly , he would think an action the better the more it augmented happiness , but it seems that it is only wrong , for him , if it actually augments unhappiness .
27 Hey , Geoff , d' you think the Chinese take-away in Adrar would deliver a couple of chop-sueys ? ’
28 They could deliver a truce , they would deliver a truce , and then they should be spoken to .
29 He would throw paint imitating a comet ; and she would paint a part of the milky way .
30 He would paint a canvas in four radically different styles : a cubist North , an impressionist South , an East after Van Gogh , a West after Dali .
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