Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Being constrained upon penalty to leave the place where one would prefer to remain is surely such an interference , calling for justification .
2 Er , what I would prefer to do is to er listen to the amendment put forward by the as if that were an amendment to the adoption minute since there 's nothing to be adopted at the moment , erm I will then speak on that amendment , well I would probably speak against it erm at that point er there could be a vote on that amendment line by line .
3 The last thing I would want to do is be unkind to people who have given me an extremely successful show .
4 So we either , in terms of number of institutions I would think we probably count it as an F E institution , because this the A level is , is much smaller than the other F E. But in terms of F E students and sixth form students , what I would want to do is count the A level students as sixth form students .
5 I think the other point I would want to make is that it 's quite significant that in the week that we celebrate the forty fifth anniversary of the , the N H S , for the first time ever erm waiting lists within this country will have , will exceed one million .
6 What I would want to hear is something about how the parts of an engine interact with each other to produce the behaviour of the whole engine .
7 Not in the grocery , I suppose there would be , I mean erm as I say I was never thrilled with the clothing department and when I did get involved with the deals , er I 'm afraid I was a political animal and I would 've have been more interested in the political side .
8 What we would need to do is establish about Brown 's mental event and Green 's mental event that if either man also had the other 's experience , he could not distinguish in content between the two events .
9 product , we 've just got one row for one product at the moment but in the future you might want to insert another row and er the product B and then all I would need to do is just copy the formula down and I know it would work cos I made it copyable down as well .
10 The points that would need stressing are the time-scale over which the reform would be implemented , and the commitment to use the revenue to reduce the standard rate of tax .
11 And you must understand : to appreciate the pessimism I feel today you would need to have been present when I formed the optimism. ,
12 Henry II would need to have been an unusually stupid man not to realize that there were bound to be difficult moments in the relationship between him and his heir .
13 Because of ( 1 ) re-programming would need to have been carried out in Bristol .
14 I suspect that if ever the day came when we had the misfortune of the Labour party inflicting regional government on us from Newcastle , those people would be wondering why their income tax or whatever other form of tax that Labour would seek to impose was so much higher in the northern region than elsewhere .
15 Whilst blood would appear to have been associated with circumcision from the earliest times ( witness the account of Zipporah in Exodus 4.24–6 ) this character of the rite , as I hope shortly to show , assumed new dimensions and significances with the experience of the exile and the developments which I have just outlined .
16 Such a condition was obviously inserted to encourage Cornishmen to make their contributions to the royal coffers , but its enforcement against individual landowners would appear to have been impracticable once disafforestment had taken place .
17 In this respect the article would appear to have been a success .
18 Hannon 's prognosis of the Act , that ‘ LEAs will be able to draw the line between the ‘ statemented ’ and the ‘ unstatemented ’ where they please ’ , would appear to have been accurate .
19 I am sorry to say this , but there would appear to have been a number of houses in recent times , some of the highest pedigree , which have tended to take a competitive attitude towards each other and have not been above ‘ showing off ’ to guests a butler 's mastery of such trivial accomplishments .
20 This pleasure would appear to have been remote from the adult satisfactions mentioned in the previous paragraph and is a manifestation of the ‘ joie de vivre ’ which is at the very heart of the urge for life , which is itself the product of ‘ desire ’ as introduced and discussed in the Second Period .
21 The earliest place of worship would appear to have been the chantry , constructed , it is said , as early as 1332 and rumoured to have had a secret passage running to Mere House .
22 This however would appear to have been in combat with Bf110s , rather than Bf109s .
23 His judgement of the situation would appear to have been correct , for this was undoubtedly Oblt .
24 It would appear to have been adopted in psychoanalysis because of its air of scientific detachment and objectivity , its freedom from the objectionable religious overtones of such terms as ‘ sin ’ and ‘ evil ’ .
25 Indeed , confirmation of a satisfactory legal outcome would appear to have been apparent during December last year when the legal Director of the EC Commission , Mr Dubois , wrote to the Association 's Solicitors , stating , ‘ …
26 In explaining the shape of the bargaining structure in Japan , as with the industry-wide structures in Europe and the decentralised arrangements in the United States , the wishes and expressed policies of the bargaining parties themselves would appear to have been a predominant factor .
27 The degree of professional autonomy would appear to have been higher in the United States than in Britain , and the imbalance in favour of specialist medicine over general practice or family medicine greater still .
28 Regulation of portfolio investment would appear to have been much more effective in the light of the surge in it following the removal of restrictions in 1979 .
29 First commissions could be obtained through political interest , and this would appear to have been the situation of Philip Hay , whom Admiral Lord Keith managed to place in the 11th Foot as an ensign on the strength of imaginary past service , though his patron remarked that ‘ if his father can not get at old General Grant or Lady Sutherland he may not be confirmed .
30 At first glance the easiest solution to the difficulty which the eager candidates for the collectorship had created would appear to have been to take the advice which was being so strongly urged , and install Craigbarnet to share the office with Kirkton , for Craigbarnet would certainly have been willing to accept even a small fraction of the emoluments in his desperate need .
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