Example sentences of "would also [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After the First World War which ended in 1918 , local authorities would also advance money for house purchase , as would a body called the Public Works Loan Board ; but between 1920 and 1934 building societies lent £920 million and the others only £94 million .
2 The concept of clustering would increase the input-output capability compared with monolithic servers , and would also enable users to consolidate proliferating local network servers , thus regaining some control .
3 It is on the face of it a very simple amendment to a quite a small and in some sense insignificant piece of legislation that is n't , erm I hope members would agree that by changing that piece of legislation to say that if you 're a trader you must display who you are and how people can get hold of you if the have a problem about products they buy from you , will not be too burdensome erm in these days of deregulation and so forth but on the other hand would help enforcements considerably and would also enable people to pursue their own remedies where they are dissatisfied with what they bought .
4 A form filling application would also restrict recognition to digits or capital letters in certain places .
5 Coppicing and laying rather than flailing provided a better stock-proof boundary which would also benefit wildlife .
6 It would make far more sense for the rules to say that breeches had to be saddle brown or horse-gob green , which would also stop men riders showing off their underwear .
7 MAS would also review SPG 's progress to ensure that , prior to partner profiling and on the basis of publicly available information , there are no fundamental reasons why it should not be possible to conclude a deal with each of the partners identified through the above process .
8 These extend to very broad guidelines on the nature of investments and would also affect trusts considering merger .
9 The reversal of the burden of proof would also affect alibi evidence called on behalf of the accused .
10 I would also drop Tufnell , who was most disappointing in the First Test .
11 Clearly , if LMS could bring real benefits for teachers it would also bring benefits to pupils too : LMS could enable curriculum development that might have gone unfunded by the LEA .
12 The capitalist ‘ wind ’ blowing from the west would also bring pornography , promiscuity and other unhealthy trends destructive to the socialist morality of China .
13 Surely that 'll bring people back into the theatre it would obviously pay the artist it would also bring money into the theatre if the theatre could actually charged for them to do them .
14 The network would be national , seeking to assist collaboration between the regions , but would also bring academics to work closely alongside the clinicians ‘ at the coalface ’ — where , he believes , many of the best ideas originate .
15 The Khmer Rouge paid him no wages , but sometimes the porters carrying rice and ammunition supplies from the Thai border would also bring cigarettes and rice wine .
16 An increase in motoring costs would also bring revenue to the government , and could be made acceptable by being earmarked for corresponding improvements to public transport .
17 But an oil embargo would also hurt Italy and Germany , the main importers of Libya 's high quality crude .
18 I would also nominate William Trevor , who is comparison a miniaturist with a Dostoevskian eye for the odd little incident , the world of the irrational and the way it impinges on ordinary life . ’
19 It would also show scientists as real people , with urges for power and glory , desirous to be first in the race and to win the prizes that this offered .
20 This would not only establish the dynasty but would also offer hope for its continuity , a factor of no little importance , given the instability of regimes in France since 1815 .
21 The choir would also arrange Services of Songs — hymns illustrated by appropriate lantern slides .
22 Hatcher and Shallice , for instance , having cited Phizacklea and Miles 's research , conclude , contrary to the researchers , that in education the key task must be the provision of superior explanations for unemployment , for example , which would also involve discussions of issues of class politics .
23 Britain would also urge EC action to improve banking supervision .
24 And then everybody would also pay taxes .
25 The White House said it would also pay $150 for each Panamanian gun turned in .
26 German political ambitions would then be turned away from nationalism to Europeanism , and Western European co-operation would also prevent Germany being lured into the Soviet camp .
27 According to the Finance Minister , Arne Skauge , the fund would also draw attention to the extent to which government finances were dependent on oil revenues and would ensure that in future closer attention would be paid to long-term use of the revenues .
28 And I would also draw attention to a particular consideration namely that between the outer boundary of the greenbelt in that corridor and the area of outstanding natural beauty of the Hills , there is very little distance .
29 Fissuring of an atherosclerotic plaque would also expose collagen fibres , and the adhering platelets could release agents such as thromboxane A 2 and ADP , which would rapidly lead to adhesion and aggregation of more platelets and growth of the thrombus .
30 The idea which lay behind the use of the term ‘ social democracy ’ was that the working-class movement would not only complete the process of achieving political democracy by establishing universal and equal suffrage ( and this itself required a long struggle ) , but would also extend democracy into other areas of social life , in particular through a democratic control of the economy , and would thus create new democratic institutions .
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