Example sentences of "would have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 But no one else would have been looking for it .
2 Mr Stein would have been looking for chefs , receptionists , back-room staff , chambermaids , gardeners , laundry workers , bar staff , waiters … ’
3 ‘ He sounds just the sort of keen , experienced youngster I would have been looking for .
4 A few weeks ago she would have been looking forward to the show , but it had all fallen flat and she had to scold herself severely before she could whip up any enthusiasm at all .
5 And the car was such a mess nobody would have been looking for a sawn brake cable . ’
6 If it had been someone else 's funeral George would have been looking out for the nearest pub .
7 Saying that they were playing very deep , but Im sure Wallace would have been looking for those balls and giving the player in posession that option .
8 Obviously no expense was being spared to make the night a success , and in different circumstances she would have been looking forward to it , but now , as silence settled over the car , she could feel herself growing tense .
9 Just as he would have been using Nicola Schreider , she reflected with sudden cold certainty .
10 Almost certainly there would have been lobbying and wheeler-dealing , meetings and get-togethers behind the scenes .
11 There they would have been complaining about the weather , the European Commission 's new fishing controls and the imminence of bankruptcy .
12 If he had , my furniture would have been out on the street by now and Springsteen and I would have been queuing down the night shelter .
13 I think that 's what Eve would have been telling you had she been able to give you a ring … . ’
14 He may or may not have reached it , but the fact is he did not try where as Chapman would have been flying in there .
15 He would have been acting out of character and trying on something his party had wearied of .
16 We would have been acting wrongly had we not given her permission to visit her mother . ’
17 It was held that Williams was not guilty , since had the facts been as he believed them to be , he would have been acting in defence of the other .
18 ‘ So , by preventing Heather from leaving , you would have been acting in her best interests as well as yours ? ’
19 At first , this suggestion seemed to apply to all accounts — which certainly would have been taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut — but it has now been narrowed down to those of ‘ public interest ’ companies , with a fairly generous definition of which companies are of public interest .
20 Americans from the US and the same background would have been emphasising their masculinity by drinking large rums and making too much noise .
21 The sheet metal workers , who cut sheet metal to the design of the drawings of the part of a car , earned 2s 6d ( 12p ) per hour , and did a lot of overtime at one and a quarter time , which means that many of them would have been earning £6 or £7 per week , and be well over the arbitrary divide of £4 suggested as a line for the divide between the working class and the middle class .
22 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
23 However , Nigel had not wished to leave his family and friends for the loneliness of the big city , even though he would have been earning a lot more money .
24 I ca n't be certain how much I would have been earning working for myself … ’
25 However , if , by the date of trial , it can be shown that the deceased 's income would have risen since his death , then the dependency will be calculated by reference to what he would have been earning at the date of trial , rather than what he in fact was earning at the date of his death .
26 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
27 Betty MacDougall , local historian and folklorist , was able to work out what families would have been living there in 1876 .
28 If the explosions had happened a few weeks later , the Hoffmans would have been living somewhere else .
29 Brian had given Scarlet the impression that , if it had not been for his first wife and her child , and his second wife and her child , he would have been living a life of carefree splendour in a house adjacent to the park .
30 Any other woman would have been spitting angry at being kept waiting for four and a half hours .
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