Example sentences of "would never [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , you would never want to leave there . ’
2 She stood there dejectedly looking at him , convinced that he would never want to lay eyes on her again .
3 We wake up during the night with desperate thoughts of what horrible people we are and how if others knew what we were really like they would never want to see us again .
4 As she approached the back entrance to the place , Cleo reflected that , even if she 'd had the money , she would never want to live in a building like this .
5 But I would never want to upset anyone unless there was some very positive idea which we must try .
6 After my stay at Wuthering Heights , I thought I would never want to speak to any human being again , but by the end of the next day I was beginning to feel lonely .
7 They would never bother to check whether it was really theirs — they 'd just try and hit it .
8 The judge said he would never expect to see another crime like it .
9 One sanitary inspector reported that ‘ far from being carried on in the poorer types of dwelling , outwork was taken to supplement their resources by many people whose names one would never expect to find on an outworkers list ’ .
10 ‘ Mrs Heathington-Scott would never 've gone outside her class , and neither would Thomas . ’
11 ‘ It would never 've worked , ’ he said .
12 ‘ It was said in respect of her that there are people who seek flowers in the tree of life where others would never think to look — under dark leaves and on dry branches .
13 Rosa Jacobsen confirmed in Elisabeth her determined quest , not directly , but indirectly , for Rosa was like Marie Grubbe , of whom it had been written that she was someone who ‘ sought flowers in the tree of life where others would never think to look — under dark leaves and on dry branches ’ .
14 She would never grow used to the way he hated her .
15 But he would never fail to have a meal .
16 If it started with more than a certain critical speed , however , it would never stop rising and fall back but would continue to move away .
17 They would never stop looking for him now .
18 She had not realised how she would never stop needing him but now she could see the future and it was dark .
19 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
20 A skilled Nottingham engineer 's daughter of the 1920s remembers her father ‘ would never go to see his parents unless he could take them some money …
21 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
22 Deacon Palmer was a golf professional-cum-greenkeeper at Latrobe , near Pittsburgh , and he would never presume to set foot inside the clubhouse unless specifically invited by a member .
23 I knew him well enough by now to know that he would never presume to tell me what to do .
24 Sophia wished her sister had not been wearing tartan trews , but it would never do to say anything .
25 Knitters who have machines with a mirror image facility could use this technique to match up patterns at the centre , but remember that you lose the two centre stitches plus the one on each side which goes under the band — it would never do to have two ducks without heads facing one another , would it !
26 The historian N.N. Brailsford , echoing German opinion , called the Poles a primitive unschooled race and went on to say that no matter how hard they tried , the Allied politicians would never manage to replace the industrial and intellectual skills of the German workforce with the likes of the Poles .
27 An employee who would never venture to ask for a raise in salary for herself suddenly besieged the manageress with demands that one of her fellow workers should have her rights .
28 ‘ On my tour I 'm going to sing My Funny Valentine and Some Enchanted Evening — songs which I would never have tackled before .
29 Without Fergie 's influence , for example , she would never have gone along to the Berkeley Square night club , Annabel 's , as she did on the night of Prince Andrew 's stag party , with Fergie and comedienne Pamela Stephenson , both of them dressed up as policewomen .
30 He would never have gone into the woods with her .
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