Example sentences of "would not go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another , compiled in June , stated that no one believed any longer in an early end to the war in Russia , and that soldiers on leave had said they would not go through a second winter there .
2 Others in Vitebsk suspected that gold seized would not go to the Volga famine relief but into the Bolsheviks ' pockets or their mouths in the shape of much-fancied gold teeth .
3 She put her knickers on , and almost smiled , because even now she would not go to Rachel without them .
4 It would not do for it to take place in Moran 's house and Moran would not go to a hotel .
5 August 1939 , Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty with Russia , possibly believing that without Russia as an ally , France would not go to the aid of Poland in the event of war .
6 Susan was so frightened of being alone , that she would not go to sleep , in case we left her .
7 Several stated that this was why they would not go to a GP or a Detoxification Unit , even as an out-patient .
8 You decided I would not go to the police , because you are my daughter .
9 ‘ I had a phone call from Mr. Mendelson. ’ — the solicitor — ‘ He asked me if I would agree to accept half of the stock of Mr. Mahmoud on condition that I would not go to court against him .
10 He said that mandamus would not go to the provost and fellows because
11 Therefore , the corresponding credit would not go to the supplier but to , say , an orders issued account :
12 The magazine would not go for it ; they could not afford the lawsuits .
13 By sharpening his policy differences with Mr Kinnock he persuaded the voters that life under Labour would not go on much as before .
14 Then she thought that she would not go at all , that she would stay behind and pretend to be ill .
15 The State Department 's main regret was that Britain would not go beyond her " one foot in and one foot out " policy towards Europe .
16 If the project is to create a new manufacturing process , rather than a product , the starting point would be at much the same stage but would not go past building the plant ( stage 9 ) since there would be no question of quantity production .
17 If the project is to create a new manufacturing process , rather than a product , the starting point would be at much the same stage but would not go past building the plant ( stage 9 ) since there would be no question of quantity production .
18 He would not go into detail on what he called ‘ sensitive issues and sensitive talks ’ but said : ‘ I would be a fool to hinder this by insisting on a cricket tour . ’
19 ODDLY , the address file would not go into the address book application , for reasons ( I assume ) to do with the latter 's format demands .
20 Its outcome is not really in doubt , not because it is a put-up job but because the CEGB would not go into such an exercise if it had only a 50–50 chance of success .
21 In the end Harper had sworn a sacred oath on the Holy Mother and on all the bleeding wounds of Christ that he would not go into battle , that he would remember he was a husband and a father , and that if he so much as heard a musket shot he would turn tail and run away .
22 The heavy , dark-blue broadcloth coat would not go into the suitcase .
23 She would not go into the detail that Mrs Blakey urged her towards .
24 Greg Dyke , chairman of ITV Sport , would not go into details but it is believed that ITV 's interest will extend to a sponsorship package that could be worth around £80m over four years .
25 Most said they would not go into the town centre alone at night .
26 Only three men would not go with her , Leading Seaman Webster , one other rating and Arthur , also the now Lieutenant Cherry RN ( Yankee ) would not be aboard .
27 By the time she reached Venice , they had had enough : ‘ they would not go with her for a hundred pound ’ , and left her on her own .
28 She had told Tom she would not go with them today but now she wished she had .
29 To sustain carnivores , there must have been many more herbivores ; but the idea that two of each kind were created somewhere and slowly spread and multiplied would not go with real population dynamics .
30 er , I 'd believe in theory we could because the lease provides us or gives us the opportunity to do so , but we would not go against the wishes of the residence
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