Example sentences of "would not [vb infin] she " in BNC.

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1 You would not think her unduly burdened with worries , if you watched her crossing the campus , smiling at people she knows , her eyes bright , her brow unfurrowed .
2 She would certainly go if she got the chance , and he would not blame her .
3 She might say , and I would not blame her for saying , that the Strangeways riot and the riots associated with it have given cause for a total and radical rethink .
4 After the dozenth girl Killion began to be afraid that he would not recognize her ; but when she came out , even with a single dimmed-out light bulb behind her head , she was so much more than his memories of her .
5 If she did , Jill could not say no ; and then , on Monday , her father being told , would not give her away , would not say : My daughter is a thief .
6 They should not feel aggrieved at her asking for money ; when she went into the cold hall she felt that it would not give her back much , if anything .
7 ‘ If that would not incommode her , ma'am . ’
8 He would not do her any real harm .
9 And perhaps , the little thought insisted , Feargal would not view her quite so badly if she actually did something that could n't be misinterpreted .
10 But it would not avail her , he could always go and see her .
11 Tamar drew a breath , determined that he would not rouse her to anger .
12 Rourke would not disturb her .
13 For Emilia , as for himself , Dr Horrocks 's reassurance that miscarriage was a kind of mercy had brought no deep comfort , and Frere would not remind her of it , for he had quickly seen that , in some way he was far from comprehending , the loss was more secondary to her than it was to himself .
14 I also told her that there was no guarantee that she would come up with the answer the first time she was regressed , as this would be a new experience for her and her ever-protective subconscious would not want her to be upset in any way .
15 The memory of his last visit would not leave her ; there was a jagged edge to it — for had she not tried to force him against his will and had he not been aware of that and too kind to give her the direct reaction she deserved for her over-boldness ?
16 She visited Kitty , wishing the old woman really had been a witch and then she could have solved the riddles which would not leave her in peace .
17 She wanted to be left alone just as she was , wherever she was , but the people would not leave her alone .
18 I would not leave her alone .
19 He would not tell her , this funny bewitching little English girl , that he had come to her first because he could not keep away from her .
20 There were other things he would not tell her either , such as the reason he had been called away from the restaurant .
21 He pushed harder today , knowing he would not hurt her .
22 No , he would not hurt her , and now she wanted to be him , to be part of him .
23 He would not fail her , he said .
24 He might desire her — he did desire her — but he would not marry her only for that !
25 Had she really expected that one of Italy 's leading industrialists would not check her out before letting her into his house ?
26 Then she dried her tears and read aloud the epigraph Orwell had chosen for Homage to Catalonia to make sure her voice would not betray her .
27 And since they certainly would not pay her for the work she had already done on the trousseau , where else could she go ?
28 She hoped that Constance would not embarrass her by telling Mick that she wished to be a kennel-maid : she 'd changed her mind anyway .
29 Woolridge swore that he would not visit her at Windsor again , unfortunately an oath that he failed to keep .
30 ‘ A good thing too , because the book would not please her much .
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