Example sentences of "would in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The effects of the undergraduate curriculum would in this sense always be counter-cultural , a necessary antithesis to prevailing patterns and norms .
32 Indian painters would in this case be painting an image showing the Church 's and the State 's warning to Indians who contemplated rebellion , as many did .
33 It is not then that this particular instance of a male , semitic human being ‘ is God ’ — one would in this case have to say ‘ a god ’ .
34 The chronology of the lists would in this case , at any rate , appear to be somewhat elastic , however , since it can be shown that Haci Ivaz and Ibrahim Pasa ( presumably Candarli Ibrahim Pasa ) , also mentioned as having died , actually did so in Dhu " l-Ka'da 831/August 1428 and Dhu " l-Ka'da 832/August 1429 respectively .
35 We had assumed that their affair would in some way be a violent one , because O was known to be violent , and because Boy made you feel strange when he gave himself away to you , a strangeness , and a feeling that you always wanted more , that often came out as violence .
36 The over-simple assumptions widespread in the early 1980s that controlling the supply of money would in some way affect inflation ( the removal of which would introduce a period of substantial growth ) must be considered as being unsound .
37 It is suggested that pay would in some way ‘ institutionalise ’ the oppression of the housewife , yet many people who point out this danger are happy to accept pay for their work , even though this also presumably ‘ institutional-ises ’ whatever forms of oppression they suffer in their jobs .
38 A bit of thought indicated that , clearly , consumers , having minds , emotions , senses , and all the psychological paraphernalia that foul up our mental processes , would in some way ‘ process ’ the material coming to them in the form of advertisements .
39 This subjective impression among left-wing intellectuals such as Aragon and Nizan that the Soviet experiment would in some way resolve the contradictions of the writer/intellectual ensnared in the alienating social relations of capitalism is a key factor in explaining its attractiveness for dissident French writers in the 1930s .
40 There is some comment has been made that a new settlement to the South or the South West of York would in some way undermine the urban regeneration erm of Leeds City Council , now I find this a surprising comment given that though people who are making that comment are also at the same time advocating much increased development allocations to , for example , Harrogate district , the main centre for which is erm , nearer than most conceivable new settlement locations to the South and South West of York .
41 I think it it it 's been suggested that er in s in some way that the employment aspect of the new settlement w would in some way prejudice erm regional objectors in in terms of Leeds regardment and I really just wanted to flag up that that I ca n't accept that , given the scale of development that that 's proposed .
42 After 1174 , however , Henry hoped that the presence of his sons in different parts of the empire would in some measure provide the mobility , flexibility and speed of response which he alone could not give .
43 There could be an Asquith Government with Labour support and participation ; but this ran directly counter to the whole Labour belief in independence , and would in any event mean the greater opposition party accepting the leadership of the lesser one .
44 Although it has no bearing on our decision , it should be pointed out that had the courts had power to make the order sought , Dr. Hayes ' evidence would in any event have been circumscribed by two public interest immunity certificates issued on 13 April 1992 respectively by the Secretary of State for Transport relating to ‘ security measures ’ and by the Lord Advocate in relation to potential criminal proceedings in Scotland .
45 We know from the signed statement of the Secretary of State for Transport withdrawing the ‘ explosive device ’ certificate of public interest immunity , and would in any event have assumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary , that ‘ the Ministry of Defence retain the documents relating to Dr. Hayes ' work in respect of the Lockerbie air disaster . ’
46 Since those recommendations are now made shortly after the trial , there will no longer be additional material such as reports on the prisoner 's subsequent behaviour , which would in any event be irrelevant to the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
47 I take it from the nature of your answer that you would in any event agree that none of those other factors which you concern yourself with have any relevance as to whether or not the land performs a greenbelt function ?
48 It could be argued that these opinions would in any event have prevailed .
49 The Inland Revenue consultative document ‘ A Simpler System for Taxing the Self Employed ’ contains proposals which , if implemented , would in any event result in an acceleration of the tax liability for partnership .
50 Investors will usually agree to a provision of this kind , as most purchasers would in any event wish to purchase the entire company and not be left with minority shareholders .
51 Both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords held that damages should have been assessed on the basis of the known fact that the plaintiff would in any event have been totally incapable of work as a result of spinal disease from 1976 .
52 This would in any event take time .
53 Certainly , I never imagined that it would in any way be see-through .
54 With respect to the clinical aspects of the police surgeon 's duties , there is no reason to suspect that the medical practitioner in the UK who serves as a police surgeon would in any way be adversely biased against any patient for whom he cares merely because that person is in police custody , whether he has been injured or become ill during enforced loss of liberty , and however such conditions have been brought about .
55 Mr Morton , who has made many speeches on the need for an integrated and planned transport policy , would in any case be unlikely to relish the job of breaking up the rail network .
56 So it is that tomorrow , ITV will screen a profile of the man who spent the first eight years of his life in Abyssinia ( now Ethiopia ) and graduated to serious eccentricity via an English prep school ( where he was beaten ) , Eton ( where he learned to box ) and finally Oxford ( where he was a boxing blue and acquired the dramatically-bent nose which for six decades has lent drama to what would in any case have been a distinguished face ) .
57 Donors frequently finance projects , or chunks of government expenditure such as part of the health service , to which recipient countries would in any case have to give a high priority , and this relieves government of that particular commitment .
58 Now , Dorothea felt justly punished , for she was merely sad , and Isabel would in any case consider it as inevitable good manners to have refused .
59 A loss might be made on this transaction , but such a loss would be preferable to the total abandonment of one 's savings or wealth , which would in any case have still had a value as bullion .
60 There was of course Ferdinando , but she hesitated over opening her heart to her husband , who would in any case need her letter read to him and would be unable to answer of his own accord .
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