Example sentences of "would still [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In such circumstances , it would still be under an obligation to give notification of its intention to march , and the courts should perhaps hold that no offence is committed under section 11(7) if notice has been given , however shortly before the proposed ‘ counter march , ’ where this would still permit the imposition of conditions by the police , if necessary , under section 12 .
2 The tariff-equivalent quota reduces welfare for two reasons : first , the government fails to capture the quota rents , though , even if it did so , welfare would still be below the pre-policy level by 4.15% ; second , this loss of 4.15% is caused by the quota changing firms ' behaviour .
3 Assured by the Home Secretary that a report would still be of value , the Royal Commission pressed on with its work , abandoning the young offender study and turning its attention to other things .
4 Were it not for the material in the reports of Hansard to which your Lordships have been referred , I , too , would still be of that view , for although I recognise that in popular parlance with provision to one individual of a service which is , in any event , being provided for reward to many others may be said to cost the provider little or nothing , ‘ cost ’ in accountancy terms is merely a computation of outgoing expenditure without reference to receipts .
5 If they had said this about the Paris workmen , Louis would still be on the throne …
6 but the brochure would still be on the desk so to speak of the sales office
7 ‘ I knew I would still be on the road .
8 The only snag with this last course was that when the pension was paid out in 2003 it would still be at its 1970 value .
9 She 'd been so sure he would still be at La Tour Monchauzet — had steeled herself to meet him again — which made his absence a total anticlimax .
10 Even if there were agreement , much of the disputed territory would still be at the mercy of both Serb and Croat irregulars , acting outside the control of their Government , and those forces would continue to be a source of fighting and unrest unless they were disarmed .
11 Informally , the bank admits that if sterling was still in the ERM , the underlying rate of inflation could be down almost to zero now , but base rates would still be at 10 per cent , and the prospects for the economic growth and unemployment scarcely bear thinking about .
12 But it would still be worth talking over your decision with a counsellor .
13 If Moses had been a committee , the Children of Israel would still be in Egypt .
14 They would still be in the little sitting room .
15 He was entitled , I supposed , to his small exploratory excursion around my character ; and if he himself , I thought , had been wholly fulfilled by uniform , he would still be in it .
16 Under PR , the trade unions would still have a stranglehold over industrial policy , education would still be in the grip of local authorities and any proposals for effective tax cuts would have been quietly shelved .
17 He was n't sure the police chief would still be in his office but the gravelly voice answered immediately .
18 They would do a tour and their singles would still be in the warehouse because Red Rhino could n't afford to pay for the pressing and things like that , ’ says Debbie Kaye .
19 The only consolation was that Newcastle and Sheffield Wednesday , whom he had predicted would still be in the Cup along with Arsenal , had also fallen at the first hurdle to lesser teams .
20 Reminding her that she would still be in full control at all times , I asked her whether it was not worth trying the technique to see what happened .
21 Taylor refuses to say whether Lineker would still be in his team had he carried on playing in England .
22 The result was that when Bollaert finally made his speech on 10 September it was obvious that , for all the rhetoric and for all the idealization of the French Union , if it was independence that France was offering , it was so heavily circumscribed as to make it obvious that France had , at most , transferred the Jacobin concept of ‘ the nation one and indivisible ’ to a French Union in which she would still be in a commanding position .
23 Early in 1987 , a memo was circulated to all Harvard staff assuring them that Harvard would still be in business that time the following year and that appeal options would be taken up , should the Stock Exchange turn down their application for membership .
24 Yet actually , the scheme would still work within their framework if , say , the manager received one tenth of unc — the incentives would still be in the right direction .
25 The Producer would still be in overall charge , but his or her role was now far more strategic than tactical .
26 It would be expected to advise the Secretary of State for Scotland who would still be in the UK Cabinet and responsible to the UK House of Commons , a situation which would be intolerable to its members , resented by Scots MPs and bound to lead to conflict .
27 Your father and I would still be in Akmeyon if it was n't for your zeide .
28 In that case , both the money and the Jacobite Guinea would still be in the gazebo ; the police would infer from them that Newley had gone to the gazebo for more than just a Sunday stroll .
29 I see now how wrong I was , and yet when I told the king that without resorting to such action I would still be in the granite quarries and so unable to do his bidding , he understood and forgave me .
30 If she had had any sense she would still be in London , planning her next social function with her friends , instead of slinking off to the south of France because she had felt claustrophobic , because she needed to formulate a way of telling her fiancé that their engagement was off .
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